Paul Brown - Papermart

Tag : Paul Brown

News Events

Industry reviewed, analyzed & discussed

On December 9th, 2011, RISI organized its third annual Indian Seminar for pulp and paper producers, suppliers and end-users to meet, greet & discuss. The idea was to provide the opportunity to gain insights into the latest trends in this increasingly important market called INDIA. The seminar was coupled with......
Interviews Paper People

“It's a marathon, not a sprint”

On October 14, 2011 International Paper (IP) announced that it has completed the acquisition of a 75 percent stake in Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills (APPM). IP purchased 53.5 percent of the APPM shares from Mr. L.N. Bangur and related family members and affiliates for approximately US$226 million in cash. They have also entered into a not to compete agreement, for...