Bindals Papers: Maintaining a Culture of Togetherness and Discipline - Papermart

Bindals Papers: Maintaining a Culture of Togetherness and Discipline

Bindals Papers Mills Limited follows the tried-and-tested method of internal reference, while hiring a new employee. It finds the method both cost-effective and less time-consuming. It also reduces the chances of internal conflict. ‘‘Our employee-oriented policies, coupled with fringe benefits and perks,’’ put our employees at ease, shares Mr. Amrender Singh, the company’s Head of Human Resources, during an interaction with Paper Mart.

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Mr. Amrender Singh, Head of Human Resources, Bindals Papers

Paper Mart: Describe your approach to talent acquisition and recruitment. What has helped you attract the right talent?

Amrender Singh: Attracting the right talent is very crucial for a hiring manager. In spite of the availability of various online platforms, internal references across the industry still remain one of the most important approaches while making recruitment. This method is both cost-effective and less time consuming since the hiring manager is well-aware of the behavioral and technical competencies of a prospective candidate. It also reduces the chances of internal conflict. While assessing a prospective applicant, Bindals Papers Mills Limited looks for technical and behavioral competencies, that will best match the company’s organizational work culture, as well as deliverables expected in a particular role. As we believe that technical competencies can be acquired with the right behavior, we also take the help of psychometric tools to assess the same. Bindals Papers holds a very good reputation among its employees in terms of growth, work culture and employee-oriented policies. This has helped us in consistently attracting the right talent.

PM: Given the presence of your mills in rural areas, what are the challenges that you face in getting the right people to such places and making them stay there?

AS: Rapidly changing population distribution and demographics has considerably affected the availability of talent in rural areas. It is not as big a challenge as it was in the past. If you have employee-oriented policies, work culture and a good organizational reputation, then you can easily attract a large talent pool. The industry-specific talent search is another factor that increases the possibility of finding and retaining the right candidate. Apart from this, we appreciate our existing workforce by rewarding them for their efforts, which increases a feeling of belongingness among our employees. Hiring and retaining talent is a very dynamic process, which keeps varying, based on individual and organizational priorities.

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PM: Help us understand the people-focused culture you have nurtured in your organization.

AS: Bindals Papers believes in developing a personal relationship with each and every person working for our organization. Our employee-oriented policies, coupled with fringe benefits and perks, put our employees at ease. We encourage them to maintain a healthy work-life balance, while managing unavoidable personal circumstances. This helps us in retaining talent and fostering togetherness with our workforce.

If you have employee-oriented policies, work culture and a good organizational reputation, then you can easily attract a large talent pool. Industry-specific talent search is another factor which increases the possibility of finding and retaining the right candidate.

PM: Please discuss the upskilling programmes you have introduced for your mill employees.

AS: We regularly train our employees on various technical and behavioral competencies by conducting internal as well as external training programs. Specific training related to process and system upgradation are also done, as and when required. We recently started training our employees on SAP implementation. Apart from that, we regularly hire freshers in various domains of engineering and management, who are trained rigorously for a year through on-the-job training programs.

PM: How important is diversity and inclusivity to your organization? Please explain.

AS: We encourage diversity and inclusivity. We have people from various backgrounds working in our organization. Their experiences and new perspectives foster continuous improvement in existing methods and applications, while also leading to development of new methods. This creates a win-win situation for all the parties involved.

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PM: Please elaborate on the initiatives you have taken to help increase women participation in your workforce?

AS: In order to gain the trust of female employees, working majorly in departments such as accounting, engineering and marketing, we have developed all necessary policies and infrastructure to facilitate the ease of doing work.

PM: What has made your organization a fun place to work with?

AS: While maintaining a culture of togetherness, discipline remains an important aspect for us as an organization. By doing so, we are able to reduce internal conflicts and set demarcations. We keep our employees well-aware about their rights, which fosters positivity and results in full participation of our workforce in every single task. We have developed an ease of doing work culture, which in turn empowers every employee to deliver their best.

We believe in developing a personal relationship with each and every person working for our organization.Our employee-oriented policies, coupled with fringe benefits and perks, put our employees at ease.

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