Burgo Group has rebuilt its winder drive at the Sarego paper mill, with the rebuild assigned to SAEL consisting of rebuilding the electrical cabinets and wiring of the Varistep. Post the rebuild, the efficiency, speed and overall operation of the drive has increased by more than 30%.
Jun 19, 2023

Burgo Group successfully rebuilt its Jagenberg winder drive VARI-STEP at its Sarego paper mill, with the rebuilding assigned to SAEL and consisting of rebuilding the electrical cabinets and wiring of the Varistep. In addition to rebuilding the existing electrical wiring, old switchboards and pulpits, the scope of the delivery was also to be able to secure the machine while complying with the strict and current regulations. The new drive has increased the efficiency, speed and overall operation by more than 30%, while the machine management got optimized by new configurations formerly unavailable. The result delivered to the paper mill a very stable, flexible and precise system that immediately repaid the investment.
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Precisely because of the perfect adjustment of the drive that processes a mathematical model of the mechanics on a motor regulating the tension(even without the regulation by load cell, +/- 3% accuracy is guaranteed) and the ductile load distribution between the winding drums, the speed of 2,200 meters per minute was achieved without any modification on the existing installed power. Further task of the SAEL team was to start up the Vari-step rewinder in the shortest possible time; due to the amount of activity and the complexity of the machine itself, as it normally takes more than three working weeks of start-up and fine tuning. Despite the addition of several automations (roughly 750 machine I/O) the job was executed extremely fast and successfully, creating a high final quality of the system that allowed machine operators to start all activities at full operating speed and without a hitch.