The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sets up a research community to supports RD&D efforts to develop advanced conversion technologies to produce biofuels, form lignin and lignocellulosic sugars, that can replace gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.

Seeking inputs from academies, national laboratories, industries, and other biofuel or bioproduct stakeholders to identify existing capabilities of lignocellulosic sugars and lignin, DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) seeks to assess the existing companies producing lignocellulosic sugars and/or lignin to sell their products to the research community for development purposes.
The main mission of BETO is to convert biomass resources into commercially-viable high performance biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower through targeted research, development, demonstration and deployment (RD&D) supported through public and private partnerships. To facilitate this goal, BETO supports RD&D efforts to develop advance technologies to produce biofuels that can replace gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. These chosen technologies will also produce biomass-based products and chemicals that can compete with their petroleum-derived counterparts and enable biofuel deployment on larger scale.
Both lignocellulosic sugars and lignin have become necessary intermediates for advancing research towards economically producing biofuels as various conversion technologies that produce these biofuels or bioproducts utilize cellulosic sugars or lignin in their processes. Therefore, compiling and disseminating information on the availability of these substrates would be beneficial for the industry. Thus, BETO is interested in assessing currently existing capabilities to produce and sell lignocellulosic sugar and/or lignin for use by the research community.