As per the notification issued by DGTR — ITC Limited had filed an application seeking initiation of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Decor Paper, originating in or exported from China.
January 3, 2022

Finance Ministry has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on ‘decor paper’ imports from China.
As reported in a leading daily — based on the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) recommendations in its final findings in September this year, the revenue department has now imposed definitive anti-dumping duty that ranged from USD 110 MT to USD 542 per MT.
Diversified major ITC Limited’s paperboards and speciality papers division, which accounts for close to 80 percent of the domestic production of decor paper, had filed the petition seeking anti-dumping duty on this key material used by the decorative industry. It is also used as base paper for printing and as a barrier paper for waxing and coating.
India produces about 24,227 MT of decor paper, and ITC accounts for the dominant share (about 80 percent) of this production. Pudumjee Paper Products Ltd. and Shree Krishna Paper Mills & Industries Ltd. are the other domestic manufacturers of decor paper.
Also Read: DGTR Proposes Continuation of Existing Anti-dumping Duty on Uncoated Copier Paper.
In the case of decor paper produced by Kingdecor (Zhejiang) Co Ltd., the anti-dumping duty has been pegged at USD 116 per tonne. For decor paper produced by Shandong Boxing Ouhua Special Paper Co Ltd., the revenue department has pegged the anti-dumping duty at USD 110 per tonne. A similar duty of USD 110 per tonne has been imposed on decor paper produced by Zibo-OU-MU Special Paper Co Ltd. For all other producers, the anti-dumping duty has been pegged at USD 542 per tonne.