Silverton Paper based in Muzaffarnagar has imported a Low-Cost Chinese technology to solve the problem of processing the industrial effluent in small-scale agro based paper units. After a study, the Central Pulp and Paper Research Institute (CPPRI) has approved the technology which eliminates industrial discharge by making the effluent usable.
The technology is based on what is known as screw press technology, which completely treats black liquor. After adopting this technology, the generation of black liquor has reduced from 240 kl per day to around 100 kl per day. The black liquor is now being reused in place of water for the process of making pulp out of waste paper. Earlier, only part of the effluent could be reused while the remaining part was discharged in the river. The technology was found on a recent visit to China where it was being used in Sun Paper Mill Limited in Shandong province.