paperboard industry - Papermart

Tag : paperboard industry

HEADLINE Tech Articles

From Imports to Innovation: How India’s Paper Industry Embraces Self-Sufficiency

The Indian integrated paper industry has long relied on European machinery manufacturers for high-quality equipment, with many small and medium-sized mills using redundant machines due to budget constraints. However, domestic manufacturers are now transforming this trend by reverse engineering existing technologies and expanding their capabilities. While this shift is promising,......
Special Feature

The Homegrown Forging a Niche in Mechanization

The growth of the Indian pulp and paper industry has resulted in a notable increase in the need for papermaking machinery, fostering an ecosystem primarily led by international machinery manufacturers, while simultaneously providing opportunities for domestic companies to expand. Over the years, numerous homegrown machinery manufacturers have emerged, successfully playing......
Product Watch

Zenith Rollers Launches a New Range of Composite Covers

The composite covers – Nanotek and Nanorok by Zenith have been designed for soft calendars and hard presses, respectively. With features like resistance to wear and chemicals, their use increases the life-span of the calendars along with a number of other benefits for its users. Zenith Rubber Pvt. Ltd. has launched......