May 5, 2021

The European Commission has adopted its revamped industrial strategy focusing on the lessons learned from the COVID 19 crisis. Cepi wishes to assist the European Commission in the development of transition pathways across relevant industrial ecosystems.
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“The European paper industry has embraced the green and digital transition already. We are investing and ready to invest even more. Today’s promise by the European Commission to support regulatory stability and predictability and the business case for the green and digital transitions are essential for these investments to continue in Europe”, said Jori Ringman, Cepi Director General.
The new European Commission initiative can boost Made in Europe-industries. With our growing number of biorefineries, the pulp and paper industry is deeply connected with a number of the 14 already identified ecosystems. We support the Commission’s reiterated pledge to gain a better understanding of the conditions required for a successful green and digital transformation.
All industrial ecosystems will need to accelerate emission reduction. Therefore, as many industry sectors as possible should be included in the co-creation process to define the enabling policy frameworks. Such an actionable plan must facilitate access to affordable clean energy. Enabling actions can also trigger investments in low-carbon technologies.
Jori Ringman, Cepi Director General, commented “Access to affordable clean energy will be the make-or-break factor for many industries, including ours, in the energy transition. It also easily is the most cost-effective way to accelerate green transition.”
Cepi supports the European Commission’s plan to promote renewable Power Purchase Agreements as a tool to decrease the costs of renewable electricity and, similarly, gas. We will continue contributing to the development of the Energy and Industry Geography Lab and working with prosumer models for clean energy.
Also Read: Stora Enso Launches Bio-Based Binder for Safe and Healthy Everyday Living.
The ‘Fit-for-55’ package will further determine the future of many European industrial ecosystems. While ensuring continued effective carbon leakage protection for our sector, the new policy measures will be essential to accelerate investments in the transition. Revitalising the EU’s single market project, safeguarding of international competitiveness and policies for open and fair access to export markets are important for pulp and paper industry as a net-exporting sector.