Morbi-based Ambani Paper has awarded an order for delivery of fiber recovery and effluent treatment plant to Krofta Engineering.
February 24, 2021

Ambani Paper ‘s one of the new and largest duplex board mills coming up in Morbi has ordered fiber recovery and ETP (Effluent treatment plant) from Krofta Engineering Limited.
The scheme entails the use of Krofta’s unique Sedicell for Ambani Paper’s fiber recovery which allows the mill to recover most of the fiber and reuse most of the water in the process. Part of the clear water will be used for showers through the use of Krofta’s spray filter which is again a unique product in today’s time where water is excessively stressed.
BOD/COD is always a constraint and here Krofta has provided diffused aeration system to allow reduction of BOD/COD followed by secondary clarification which will ensure BOD/COD reduction as well as a reduction in color and odor which is a very pertinent problem today in the industry.
Also Read: Ambani Paper Signs Contract With Parason Machinery for 500 TPD Pulp Mill.
Ambani Paper has also selected tertiary filtration of the sand filter and carbon filter to remove further turbidity and color in the final effluent. Moreover, keeping in mind the concern for paper mills in sludge handling, Ambani Paper has chosen Krofta’s Triple Wire Belt Press as a solution to dewater the sludge for proper disposal.