Maintaining a balance between production and environmental conservation, Kuantum Papers is truly striving to serve as “Kuantum for Earth”. Located at the foothills of the Shivalik Range, the leading agro and wood-based paper manufacturer strategically utilizes local Agro vegetation and Agro-residues to produce superior writing and printing paper and specialty paper products. Looking forward, Kuantum Paper’s strategy to augment its Clonal Propagation Center capacity to produce 1 crore clones annually and cover 50,700 acres by 2028-29 reflects its commitment to sustainability and resource security.

Sustainability has been a key concern in the pulp and paper industry. In recent times, there has been a fundamental shift in the industry’s approach towards the adoption and application of ESG principles. With over 800 paper mills, the Indian paper industry produces about 25 million tonnes of paper each year. Recent investments in technological upgradation have created opportunities for the sector to play a significant role in environmental sustainability.
Keeping sustainability at the heart of its operation, Kuantum Papers, a leading agro and wood-based paper manufacturer, has been proactively engaged in a series of endeavours to minimize its ecological footprint and make a lasting impact on the communities that it serves. The company has maintained a delicate balance between production and environmental conservation, and thus operates the mills with a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship, embodying its motto: “Kuantum for Earth.”

Sustainable Procurement of Raw Material
Kuantum Papers ensures responsible raw material sourcing such as wheat straw, bagasse and rice husk, as they are both sustainable and beneficial to the local farming community. Against the backdrop of controversial stubble burning and poor AQI in many cities, the company uses agro-residue to make paper and paper products and uses biomass in its Co-Gen Power Plant, thus mitigating the dangers of GHG emissions and pollution.
Kuantum Papers also collaborates with farming communities in the close proximity to their operations in a highly integrated manner. As a result, the move has helped them to secure raw materials, preserve local biodiversity and establish a healthy industry-nature balance.
While sourcing wood-based fibers, the SCS-certified company with the FSC® License Code FSC-C109585 procures its entire requirement exclusively from Tree Outside Forest (TOF) sources. Furthermore, the company uses wood chips and veneer waste, which are the leftover materials of the plywood industry for wood pulp production.
Watch: In Pursuit of Lesser Water Footprint
Plantation Efforts
Kuantum Papers has an onsite state-of-the-art Clonal Propagation Center (CPC), which plays a pivotal role in cultivating superior clones of fast-growing, high-yield pulp wood species like eucalyptus, poplar, casuarina, melia and subabul saplings. These clones are distributed among the farming community at subsidized rates, creating an additional source of income for them and at the same time ensuring a sustainable supply of wood raw materials for the company in the future.
Over the last decade, Kuantum Papers has covered almost 9800 acres area under high-quality clonal plantation. Additionally, the company has been running tree plantation drives at government schools and in panchayat blocks which are close to where their mill operates.
Water Conservation
Kuantum Papers’ approach to water efficiency is equally notable, as they are known for actively emphasizing water reuse and recycling to reduce freshwater consumption throughout its plant operations. Their initiatives have resulted in a reduction of freshwater consumption by 2500 m³/day. They managed to reduce their water consumption by 6 m3 per ton of paper last year, and have made it possible for the company to utilize it in over 2,000 acres of land through a network of pipelines laid by them. This year, through the installation of Twin Roll Presses (TRPEs) in their wood and agro pulp mills, the company further saved 3 m³ of fresh water per ton of pulp, enhancing washing efficiency and reducing effluent pollution. The introduction of surface water (canal water usage) has reduced reliance on groundwater and thus their ecological footprint.
Also Read: Satia Industries: Driving Sustainability and Profitability through Agro-Based Economy
Future Targets
The company has a vision to reduce fresh water consumption by almost 35% in the next 2 years, with the adoption of the best available technology in this field. Kuantum Papers’ strategy to augment its clonal propagation center capacity to produce 1 crore clones annually and cover 50,700 acres by 2028-29 reflects its commitment to sustainability and resource security. This initiative not only ensures a reliable and eco-friendly supply of wood material but also reinforces the company’s dedication to balancing industrial growth with environmental responsibility. By focusing on innovation in clonal propagation, Kuantum Paper is setting a strong foundation for long-term success and sustainability in the pulp and paper industry.