Levent Kagit received a RunEco vacuum system rebuild in its PM2, delivered by Runtech Systems, in Kemalpasa, Izmir, Turkey. The delivery included a RunEco EP650 Turbo Blower with EcoDrop water separator and EcoFlow multi dewatering measurement for forming section and save-alls.
Jul 5, 2023

Levent Kagit San. ve Tic. A.S’ PM2 received a RunEco vacuum system rebuild, delivered by Runtech Systems, in Kemalpasa, Izmir, Turkey. The RunEco vacuum system provides a reliable, completely water free vacuum solution. The delivery included a RunEco EP650 Turbo Blower with EcoDrop water separator and EcoFlow multi dewatering measurement for forming section and save-alls. Less energy and no water contribute to lower CO2 emissions and smaller environmental footprint. EP Turbo Blowers are always variable speed and capacity, allowing quick optimization of the vacuum systems without bleed air and with minimal throttling and expansion losses.
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With an integrated high-speed motor controlled by a frequency converter, rotation speed and vacuum level can be adjusted according to the process requirements. The EcoFlow dewatering measurement provides accurate real-time feedback about the dewatering performance along the paper machine which can be used to optimize dewatering and vacuum levels in the forming and press sections. “Shifting conventional LRP to turbo blower with sophisticated vacuum controls saves not only energy but also maintenance time, with benefits of longer lifetime of felts,” says Mr. Huseyin Ozcan, Project Manager, Levent Kagit.