Steinbeis Paper is a subsidiary of the Steinbeis Holding Group. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of graphic papers made from 100 percent recycled paper in Europe.

Steinbeis Paper is well-known for its transformation from a traditional manufacturer of graphic papers to a highly sophisticated, ecologically integrated recycled paper mill. This transformation involved upgrading the on-site wastewater treatment facilities. As a part of this, Steinbeis decided to invest in a new sludge dewatering plant from Bellmer Kufferath.
The sludge dewatering plant consists of three identical lines — each made up of an AKSE S 175/08 disc thickener for pre-dewatering and an AKUPRESS BX 1000 screw press for final dewatering. Separate lines dewater deinking sludge from stock preparation, and effluent sludge.
The total capacity of the plant is more than 11 bone dry tonne per hour. The goal is to achieve the highest possible dry content of the sludge, as the effluent sludge is incinerated in the company’s power plant and the deinking sludge is disposed of externally.
Customer opted for the Bellmer Kufferath solution following successful pilot plant tests on-site and the resulting proof of performance of the screw press. The savings potential justified the investment.

The plant went into operation in June 2020 and meets all technical specifications to the fullest satisfaction.
Bellmer Kufferath Machinery GmbH
Düren – Germany
Phone +49 2421 12184-0