“My only submission to the paper industry is that the more the paper traders are taken as a partner in the overall paper manufacturing operation, the more the mills will stand to gain in their businesses. After all, both the mills and the traders are there to give the service to the end users,” says Mr. S.K. Goenka, President Nominee, FPTA.

Federation of Paper Traders Association
This year the AGM & Conference of the FPTA, is being held in Kolkata on August 18 – 20, 2018, along with the Centenary Celebrations of the Calcutta Paper Traders’ Association (CPTA), which is the first such traders’ association in the country, and came to be formed way back in 1917. Mr. S.K. Goenka, President Nominee, Federation of Paper Traders Association (FPTA) recently spoke to Paper Mart about his plans for the paper trade fraternity. Excerpts:
PM: What are your views on the current scenario of the Indian paper industry?
S.K. Goenka: After a long pause, the paper industry in India is currently experiencing a stretch of boom, which is likely to last for some more time. Though, of course, the variables responsible for this boom are not entirely under the control of the Indian paper mills.
PM: Throw some light on the challenges faced by the paper traders?
SKG: For the paper traders, the volume of financial involvement has increased several folds. However, the reward for the trade, in terms of margins, etc. has not grown in consonance. In addition, the matter of securing the investments of the trade is an area of challenge.
PM: What are your expectations from the mill owners and the government?
SKG: My only submission to the paper industry is that the more the paper traders are taken as a partner in the overall paper manufacturing operation, the more the mills will stand to gain in their businesses. After all, both the mills and the traders are there to give the service to the end users
I would like to say to the government – for all varieties of paper (under chapter 48) there needs to be only one rate, viz. 12 percent. The Govt. may also consider sorting out certain anomalies that have crept into documentation with respect to the GST implementation. The Govt. may also consider extending the MSME taxation rate to paper trade for IT purposes.
PM: As the presidential nominee of FPTA, what are your plans for the paper trade fraternity?
SKG: My foremost focus area would be enhancing the use of paper in packaging and to reduce consumption of plastics. I will give my best in order to cut down on the number of damage non-biodegradables are causing to the environment.
Another objective would be to make the paper trade more rewarding so the younger generation feels a greater attraction to it. Together, with these, securing the investments of the trade will also be a major focus area.
I may like to add here that this year the AGM & Conference of the FPTA, is being held in Kolkata on August 18 – 20, 2018, along with the Centenary Celebrations of the Calcutta Paper Traders’ Association (CPTA), which is the first such traders’ association in the country, and came to be formed way back in 1917. The former President of India, Shri. Pranab Mukherjee has very kindly consented to be the Chief Guest of the inaugural function.
PM: What trends you foresee in the future?
SGK: The paper trade in India has been in existence for over 100 years now. Like all over the world, the trade will always be an essential mechanism for distributing and reaching the mills’ produce to the end user. I, therefore, cannot but see a very bright future for this trade, though there will always be scope for improvements as we march on.