Engineering - Papermart

Tag : Engineering


Adpap: A Rising Young Company

Adpap, a young company known for delivering chemical-handling systems worldwide, finds customers in pulp and paper industry, fertilizer industry and other process industries. It has developed components such as ADS-pressure screen, ADM-mixer, ADF filter, ADD disperser and ADJet-cooker; and its products cover a comprehensive range of different chemical handling units.......

Pöyry awarded EPCM contracts for the 1.5 mn TPA greenfield pulp mill project of Suzano, Brazil

2 September, 2011 Pöyry’s Industry Business Group has been awarded services contract by Suzano Papel e Celulose for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) services for the Balance of Plant (BOP), and the Owners’ Engineering services during the project implementation. The parties have agreed that the value of the......