The 11th year of PaperCon brought more than 2,000 paper and packaging professionals to discuss latest issues affecting the paper industry and also ensured the industry’s continued success in future.
April 20, 2018

Technical conference for the paper industry PaperCon 2018, organized by TAPPI, was a four-day-event held in Charlotte, North Carolina on 15-18 April 2018. During this four day event, over 2,000 paper and packaging professionals gathered to discuss the latest issues affecting the industry as well as how to ensure its continued success for the future. New technologies and processes were highlighted with an emphasis on key innovations that will be influential in shaping the industry in the future. The conference theme was “Shaping the Future through Innovation.”
In its 11th year PaperCon featured a comprehensive technical program, keynote presentation, New Technology Showcase, Safety Pavilion, special events and over 160 exhibitors. The peer-reviewed technical program consisted of over 168 expert-led presentations, panels and roundtables delivered within 70 topic specific sessions allowing attendees to engage in discussions with experts and peers about key topics affecting them. The program included nine different tracks: PIMA management, coating & graphic arts, papermaking additives, papermaking innovations, fluid fundamentals, control systems, NETInc, RPTA and TAPPI/IDCON Reliability & Maintenance.
Hannah Ubl, Research Director at BridgeWorks was the PaperCon keynote speaker. Her presentation, “When Generations Connect” addressed how multiple generations working within the same workplace bring different values, attitudes and work styles. Ms. Ubl offered solutions for engagement, team synergy and motivation for all generations as well as approaches for communicating across generational divides.
PaperCon is considered the world’s largest technical conference for the paper and packaging industry and draws CEOs, presidents, mill managers, superintendents, scientists, process engineers, and suppliers from over 25 different countries. Next year, PaperCon will be held in Indianapolis, IN on May 5-8, 2019.