Andhra Paper Limited has recently placed an order for a recovery boiler upgrade and sustainable technologies from ANDRITZ to increase capacity from 1,300 tds/d to 1,500 tds/d on EPC basis and reach environmental goals. The order includes a recovery boiler upgrade, ash leaching system and a new lime kiln.
Aug 4, 2023

Andhra Paper Limited in Rajahmundry, India has placed an order for a recovery boiler upgrade and sustainable technologies from ANDRITZ to increase capacity and reach environmental goals at the mill. The main objective of the upgrade is to increase boiler capacity from 1,300 tds/d to 1,500 tds/d on EPC basis, which is to be installed and started-up during the planned mill shutdown. The key delivery includes air system upgrade and super heater modification.
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The order also includes an ash leaching system which will remove non-process elements like chloride and potassium from the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) ash while recovering sodium and sulfate to the chemical recovery cycle, and also minimize chemical loss in the recovery cycle and improve runnability and life of the recovery boiler. It also includes a new lime kiln with a capacity of 190 t/d burnt lime on EPC basis, including a LimeDry lime mud washing and dewatering filter, an LMD LimeKiln feeding system, a LimeCool and a LimeFire multi fuel burner. Efficient lime mud washing with a LimeDry filter provides high-quality lime mud to minimize lime kiln emissions.