admin, Author at Papermart - Page 367 of 368

Author : admin

Recycle Fibre Market Prices

“Stabilizing” In the last 10-12 days we have seen some momentum in the market, much to the respite of the suppliers overseas. A part of this is to do with the Chinese companies who have bought heavily before their New Year holidays starting 26th January. In the winter’s, year after......

14 area schools in U.S. collected 824 tons recyclable paper worth $105,000 in a year

The Recovered Fiber Group (RFG) of Caraustar Industries and Domtar Corporation celebrated the 10th year of paper recycling partnership with 14 area schools in Texas and Arkansas by presenting a check totaling $105,211 to be shared among the participating schools. The dollar amount reflected school-based collections of approximately 824 tons of recyclable paper over the past 12 months, an increase...