Corrugated cathedrals, Corrugated bicycles, Corrugated racing cars – just a few of the many innovative creations that are transforming the image of the world’s favourite form of packaging, proving its trademark recyclability and versatility provides superb opportunities for a wide variety of industries, says Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI).
Recently celebrating its 130th anniversary, Corrugated has undergone a rebirth as a major advertising medium due to huge investment in printing and design methods by the UK Corrugated Industry to provide retailers with imaginative shelf ready displays, but Corrugated is also being put to ingenious use by other sectors.

Babies can now sleep easy in Eco cradles made from Corrugated recycled cardboard which are available in the UK; while in Finland, the state sends expectant mothers a starter kit of clothes, sheets and toys in a Corrugated box that doubles as a crib.
With a mattress in the bottom, Finnish babies have their first naps within the safety of the box’s four cardboard walls – a comfortable start for babies in a country that now has one of the world’s lowest infant mortality rates.

At the other end of the life cycle, we are seeing a growth in demand for cardboard coffins as more Britons contemplating death seek resting places at one of over 260 eco-friendly burial sites in the UK.
As well as these life and death choices, Corrugated is also helping alleviate crisis situations. In the devastating 2011 earthquake, which hit Christchurch, New Zealand, the city’s Anglican cathedral was critically damaged and had to be demolished.

It was decided that a transitional cathedral would be built for its congrega-tion in time for Christmas. The cathedral was made of sustainable materials, including huge cardboard tubes. It was designed and created by Japanese architect Mr. Shigeru Ban, known for his paper and cardboard structures (sourc : www.christchurchcathedral.
Corrugated has also been given wheels! A cardboard bicycle was built by an Israeli inventor after three years of careful study and prototyping, while a replica Formula One car made from 100% recycled Corrugated board, was designed as a promotional vehicle at a UK food and drink exhibition.
Indeed, surveys show that this popular material inspires happy times in childhood, with findings from a poll of parents suggesting that playing with cardboard packaging on Christmas Day gives many children more pleasure than the present contained inside.

CPI’s Director of Packaging Affairs, Andy Barnetson, said: “Corrugated’s flexibility makes it ideal for a wide range of uses, from the cradle to the grave. However, its impact on the retail supply chain remains the most significant use, with the transition from a packaging medium for transporting goods to a three-in-one solution comprising product protection, an advertising platform and merchandiser.”
Protecting around 75% of goods in transit, Corrugated has led the way on issues such as lightweight packaging and space efficiency in shops and trucks, resulting in fewer lorries on the road. Its environ-mental credentials are second to none.