Eintec: Trading through excellence - Papermart

Eintec: Trading through excellence

Day 3-4 Newsletter, 26-27th October 2013
Eintec is specialized in Pulp and paper industry, serving customers in india, Bangladesh, G.C.C (U.A.E, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar), Nepal and Srilanka representing globally renowned European companies. Since its inception in 2006, ‘eintec’ is at the forefront in offering quality products from wold’s leading suppliers and has established its credentials with the customers as well as the principals.
Eintec Team‘eintec’ has ambitious plans for extending their services to their customers. As part of this, the company has started new venture ‘eintec engineering’, which involves engineering services, supplying the locally manufactured parts to supplement the products offering from its principals.
With ‘ein’ indicating number ‘1’ and color ‘orange’ representing ‘ambition’, ‘efficiency’ and ‘endurance’, the Company believe in ‘trading through excellence’ and be a leading suppliers to the Pulp & Paper Industry.