JR VAC Compact: Efficient cleaning of paper machine clothing - Papermart

JR VAC Compact: Efficient cleaning of paper machine clothing

Mr Simon Taurer
Mr. Simon Taurer, IBS PPG, Austria

MachineDay 3-4 Newsletter, 26-27th October 2013
The increased use of low-quality recycled fibres and the increased input of fillers do require more and more efficient cleaning of paper machine clothing. Contamination (stickies, fillers A.S.O.) has a great negative impact on the performance of a paper machine and the quality of the paper produced; it causes sheet breaks and markings.
Produced by James Ross, a member of the IBS-Paper Performance Group, RossJet VAC Compact has been designed to keep the fabric clean from contaminants by using ultra-high pressure-cleaning technology. JR VAC Compact is designed to have no moving parts, operates on low maintenance and is still flexible enough to be used for any application in the paper machine.
“We are even able to replace existing inefficient high-pressure cleaning heads with our compact design to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption on low budgets”, informed Mr. Simon Taurer, IBS PPG, Austria.