Milltex’s range of equipment has raised the overall standards of converting operations worldwide. The company has successfully installed four sheeters each to Emami and TNPL and has launched the world’s fastest running folio sheeter.

Milltex started in 1987 with the rebuilding of equipment for the paper industry and gradually shifted to designing and manufacturing a range of converting machinery for paper and cardboard. Milltex’s acknowledged list of equipment includes synchro sheeters, slitter rewinders, embossing-wrapping machines, unwinders, equipment for transport and handling of paper rolls, and other accessories for the paper industry.
Milltex of late has become preferred machinery choice for converting operations and has delivered successfully to the likes of Emami and TNPL. The company recently launched the folio sheeter for board cutting, which is supposedly the fastest running in the world at 350 mpm. Paper Mart recently interviewed Mr. Thomas Rizzi, Sales Manager, Milltex SpA. Excerpts:
Milltex now produces a range of converting equipment for the paper industry. Kindly share with us briefly the important categories of equipment with their applications.
Milltex is able to deliver all equipment needed by the converting plant of paper mills. Milltex range of equipment can transform reels coming out of paper machines into sheets, smaller reels, wrapper reams, and boxes of reams. All such equipment offered by Milltex are manufactured as per the highest technological standard available in the market and includes folio and cut size sheeters, folio and cut size wrapper, ream cartonizer, slitter rewinder, and embossing machine.
Is it true that your folio sheeter for board cutting is the fastest running in the world at 350 mpm? Kindly elaborate on the machine, its efficiency, and the quality of board.
Milltex is now producing sheeter able to produce constantly at 350 mpm. Thanks to a number of automatic features, Milltex is now able to keep the efficiency of their sheeters at the maximum level, for example installing the automatic splicing of the webs or the automatic full speed pallet change. Even at the full speed, Milltex sheeters are capable of performing the best quality cutting in term of precision and cleaning. As for future developments, Milltex wishes to bring soon the sheeters with 400 mpm operative speed.
Can you give us the detail of your quite successful A4 line for cutting and cartonizing? How many of these lines have you commissioned so far, including India?
In the recent past, Milltex has invested quite a lot in terms of efforts and resources to boost the productivity of its equipment for cut size production. Milltex has now more than 10 cut size line installed worldwide. Thanks to the collaboration with some companies with full expertise in ream process, Milltex is now able to reach a production at 110 reams per minute.
Kindly share with us about the recent developments including automatic and semi-automatic folio wrapping machines. Any other such developments on machine development?
Since few years, the market is asking more of wrapping machines. This is why Milltex has decided to invest also in this important field of application for converting centers. By virtue of constant R&D, Milltex is now able to supply fully automatic folio wrapper with speed of 15 reams per minute.
What kind of orders have you received recently from Dev Products of India? Kindly share the detail.
Milltex is grateful to Dev Products for giving an order for one Syncroflex sheeter of 1650 mm width, equipped with two unwinders for cutting of cartonboard up to 330 meters per minute on format. Because of automatic features like the automatic quick pallet change system, this kind of sheeter represents actually the perfect match with the converting centers needs.
Last year, you have commissioned four sheeters to leading Indian companies like Emami and TNPL. Tell us about the delivery, installation, and total cost of machineries. How are the machines working at their plants as of now?
Milltex is very punctual about deliveries, so all the machineries were shipped as per the scheduled date. For installation and commissioning, normally our Indian counterpart takes care of initial inspection of civil work; the initial erection work also starts under the guidance of our Indian team. Hence, there are less chances of alteration of civil work during erection and the jobs are completed rather faster. Milltex’s standard time for erection and commissioning of one sheeter is usually 15-20 days. At Emami and TNPL, we completed the erection and commissioning within our standard time. Presently at Emami, all four sheeters are running at 90-100 percent speed and the Performance Guarantee Test has been duly completed. At TNPL also, all four sheeters that we have installed are running successfully.
Lastly, tell us something about the Indian paper industry and your expectations from it in coming times. Do you expect that converting will grow independently of paper mills in India in times to come?
India represents for Milltex one of the most important markets. That’s why Milltex is alwasy investing in this market and providing a top level service to their customer. Year by year, Milltex has been recognized by the Indian paper mills with a constantly growing number of orders. The forecast is to keep this positive trend in the next mid period as well, boosted from new orders coming from new converting centers. This is actually the trend in US and Europe which we expect will come to India as well.