Proklean introduces path-breaking technology which enables paper mills to improve their profitability even while being sustainable.

Cooking is the most critical part of the manufacturing process in the pulp & paper industry as it determines the profitable operation of a paper mill through increased yield and reduced rejections. At the same time, the cooking process also contributes significantly to the pollution load in a pulp mill by way of hazardous gaseous emissions and high loads in the effluent. As air emissions pose a serious health hazard, strict norms on emission control have been introduced. The current solutions that offer to bring down emissions entail the installation of expensive capital equipment and additionally mills have to incur high operating costs in terms of auxiliary chemical requirements.
It is every pulp mill owner’s dream to get the best economic return by running the cooking process efficiently while keeping the emission loads at the lowest levels.
Watch: IVAX Paper Chemicals Interview
Challenging problems require innovative solutions. If it is innovation, then it is Proklean.
Proklean has been working with innovative Probiotic and biobased technologies for over a decade now. In recent years, Proklean has introduced many products for pulp and paper application under the ‘ProCharta’, umbrella.
ProCharta delivers the mill owner’s dream through its revolutionary technology based on a first-of-its-kind Green Chemistry solution – ProChartaProCook
ProCharta ProCook is a dual formulation developed through extensive research to give an excellent ROI on the one hand while drastically cutting hazardous emissions on the other.
One part of the formulation contains a consortium of naturally occurring (“non-GMO”) beneficial microorganisms including thermophilic bacteria that are known to be active even at high temperatures and tough operating conditions. The beneficial microbes in the formulation decompose mercaptans/sulphides, neutralises them, reducing their emissions by over 70% resulting in a virtually odour-free atmosphere.
The second part of the formulation is a bio-dispersant which disperses the microbial solution uniformly, and improves lignin extraction even while using lower cooking chemicals. Screen rejects are seen to be reduced too and the overall yield is enhanced. All this is achieved without the requirement of expensive capital equipment. The investment in ProCook not only pays for itself but in fact enhances profitability significantly.
ProCook is FDA certified and REACH compliant and has a proven track record of delivering great value to the customers while enhancing the health and safety of the operators.
Case Study
Commercial Trial at Hardwood plant
Optimization of Active alkali reduction (with 40% MB & 60% BD)
(A case study from an actual field trial)
I. Process variables & conditions
1. The % active alkali as process variable
Products | Conventional cooking Aid | ProCharta ProCook | |
Active alkali (%) | 18.2 | 17.4 |
2. Details of white liquor
Parameters | UOM | Measure values |
Sulphidity | % | 20-22 |
Total Active Alkali | Gpl | 97.2 |
II. Results
Analysis of cooked pulp
Parameter | Conventional Cooking Aid | ProCharta ProCook |
AA (%) | 18.2 | 17.44 |
DCM Extractive | 0.13 | 0.11 |
Reject (%) | 0.81 | 0.5 |
Screened Yield (manually) (%) | 49.6 | 51.8 |
Discharge | 21-22 | 23.6 |
P1 | 18.01 | 20.34 |
P2 | 10.68 | 11.72 |
ODL Efficiency | 40.71 | 42.55 |
P1 ISO Brightness (%) | 27.4 | 26.9 |
P2 ISO Brightness (%) | 41.5 | 43.99 |
H2S concentration (ppm) | <500 | 186.5 |
ProCook Dosage per T of Pulp | 1.0 |
III. Benefits:
- A 5-6% reduction in active alkali has resulted in increased screen yield with a marginal increase in kappa number & brightness value.
- An improved brightness has been observed at the P2 stage even at a reduced active alkali percentage.
- Hydrogen Sulphide emissions came down by more than 60% resulting in a drastic reduction in odour in the environment.
- The combination product has resulted in effective cooking keeping the extractives on the lower side even at the lower active alkali consumption.
Also Read: Proklean Technologies: Accelerating Sustainability in the Pulp & Paper Industry
Proklean’s path-breaking technology provides a sustainable & biodegradable option that enables paper mills to improve their profitability even while enhancing the safety and well-being of their employees. The novel technology facilitates mills to mitigate climate change impact and reduce carbon footprint by bringing down emissions drastically.