Metso's - Papermart

Tag : Metso’s

Special Feature

Waiting for Economic Turnaround

The previous year saw the Indian paper industry grappling with the global economic crisis. Does it mean that the industry witnessed no significant growth in the previous year? Paper manufacturers in India may not be in the best of moods, but quite a few of them are optimistic that the......

Valmet started one of the world's largest pulp mills in Brazil

January 7, 2014 Suzano Papel e Celulose’s new pulp mill located in Imperatriz, Maranhão, Brazil, was started in December 2013. The mill is the first complete pulp mill supplied by Valmet in South America. The project was started in April 2011. Valmet delivered the main parts of a green field......

Metso’s eco friendly power generation

Day 2 Newsletter, 25th October 2013 Metso has an enormous mission to accomplish: create practical, realistic and economically sound ways of generating power using bio-based raw materials and consequently complement the use of fossil fuels. Metso’s solutions enable power producers to reduce environmental impact, while fulfilling their mission to produce......