The latest issue of CEPI’s Key Statistics, covering data for 2011 contains the key statistics necessary to give a picture of the performance of the European pulp and paper industry in 2011.
The statistics included in this booklet is a compilation of the data received from the national associations, which are members of CEPI, under the control of the CEPI Statistics Network. Some additional sources have been used when necessary and relevant, such as Eurostat.
CEPI was founded in 1992 and annual statistics cover the period 1991–2011, CEPI represents 95% of the European pulp and paper industry in terms of production.
The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) is a Brussels-based non-profit making organisation, which represents the European pulp and paper industry towards the European Institutions. Through its member associations, CEPI also represents some 520 pulp, paper and board producing companies across Europe, ranging from small and medium-sized enterprises, to multinationals (counting companies with a presence in more than one CEPI country only once).

Members of CEPI in 2011 included Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom.
Paper & board consumption: CEPI has revised its method of calculating paper & board consumption to be “Production + Imports – Exports”, to secure higher level of coherency through all CEPI reports and with membership. All previous paper consumption totals used in this report have also been revised using this method.
Paper for Recycling: to clarify the intended use of collected paper for recycling in paper mills, it has been decided to substitute the term “recovered paper” by “paper for recycling”. This change anticipates the forthcoming revision of the EN 643 “European List of standard grades of paper and board for recycling”.