A tale of two media – electronic and print is always a debatable topic since last so many years. You must have remember when the outburst of computers came to the economy and everyone was singing the song of “PAPERLESS OFFICE” but the effect was opposite, rather it has increased the consumption of paper. Now, that same song is back with the different tune i.e. E-book and again the same assumptions. So, team Paper Mart thought to take you to the lyrics of that song.
An E-book is a book in electronic format, downloaded to a computer, Mac, laptop, PDA etc and is read on the screen. It shows table of contents, pictures and graphics exactly like a printed book.
The benefits and advantages of E-book
• E-books are delivered almost instantaneously and 24 hours a day. You can purchase, download and start reading them within minutes, without leaving your chair.
• No trees or other fibrous raw-materials are required to manufacture paper for the pages of E-books.
•They take up less space and are portable.
• They can show links, for easy searching to more information and related websites.
• They can be interactive and contain audio, video and animations, which can enhance the message that the author is trying to convey.
• They can be printable, so that if you wish to read an E-book in the traditional way, you can very inexpensively print it with your home printer or at any printing shop.
• Fonts in E-books can be resized, making it easier to read for people with disabilities.
The Disadvantages
The Need
E-books require special devices or personal computers, which can be looked as a disadvantage. Many e-books are typically compatible with certain software which in turn may be not easily available. Since e-books are dependent on other equipments, certain hardware or software failure may affect it. Unless the hardware, Internet connection or battery power is readily available, its electronic documents are useless. In addition, e-books depending on hardware and software and are more easily damaged than a printed book
Technology & Environment
E-book reading devices are surely more expensive than printed books. All devices of e-books require power which is a scare source and makes it a non-environment friendly option. There is a growing concern that the e-books at present may not be accessible or compatible to the future e-books software or devices as the technology changes every day.
The Health
Screen glare and eyestrain are a serious concern for many potential users of e-book technology. The display resolution of computer screens and electronic devices is considerably less than the print quality produced by a printing press.
The Comfort
Reading from a computer lacks the familiarity and comfort of reading from a book. A paper book can be opened and flipped through, while an electronic text is more difficult to navigate.
The life
E-books have unreliable life span. Paper has a much longer life span than most digital forms of storage. Because of the rapid development of new computer systems it is difficult to judge whether the software or hardware will become outdated.
The originality
It can be hard to distinguish yourself from “almost anyone” for almost anyone can make an e-book. To make your book equivalent to a “real” book, you should find and evaluate several e-book publishers before making a deal. A flashy website does not guarantee a great publisher. Look at their e-books and see if yours fits in with that mix.
Our Verdict:
Despite the emergence of e-book readers like Apple (iPad), Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook) in the market the traditional books aren’t going anywhere, rather they are complementing in the awareness of reading habits. Technology has always acted as a catalyst in the growth of traditions. Paper is not only made from wood, but it is made from other waste materials too. Moreover wood is sourced in a sustainable manner by the paper industry. On the contrary, E-books which are said to be greener version as compared to paper, are they really green? Developing computers & other electronic devices requires lots of natural resources & energy. Further these devices are not 100% recyclable as compared to paper which can be 100% recycled. And, the e-waste is a much more major threat for the environment than the paper waste.