Naini Papers - Papermart

Tag : Naini Papers

HEADLINE Special Feature

Naini Papers: Going Ethically Firm and Environmentally Green

From its modest beginning in 1982, Naini Papers Limited has evolved over the years by embracing technology in the art of making paper. It has grown through calculated steps taken by the management and infusion of guidance by its Managing Director Pawan Agarwal. The group’s brand positioning, ‘Ethically firm, environmentally......

Paper Mart Emagazine Dec-Jan, 2025

Paper Mart’s Dec-Jan 2025 edition is live now! The edition covers an elaborate feature on the sustainable practices adopted by the Indian pulp and paper industry in its pursuit of going green. The feature focuses on the efforts being made by the Indian pulp mills to adopt agroforestry, reduce their......
HEADLINE Special Feature

The Art of Managing Human Capital

Running a paper company essentially requires a diverse talent pool, demanding that the human resources department broaden its in-depth understanding of people and leave their comfort zone, while scouting talents for a workforce. This also means putting together a workforce drawn from diverse backgrounds. The question is: What does it......
HEADLINE Interviews

Naini Papers: Diversity and Inclusivity Core of Organizational Ethos

Naini Papers Limited swears by its strong employer brand and comprehensive onboarding process to attract the best candidates. Commenting on attracting diverse talents Mr. Vijendra Rauthan, its HR Head said, ‘‘We leverage digital platforms, local job fairs and partnerships with educational institutions to attract diverse talent,’’ in an interaction with......

Wastewater Management, Towards Zero Effluents

These are exciting times – were the words of Mr. Pawan Agarwal, Chairman – CII Pulp & Paper Summit, President – Indian Papers Manufacturers Association (IPMA) & Managing Director, Naini Papers while delivering his keynote address at the ninth Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Pulp and Paper Summit aimed at......

Paper Mart Emagazine Jun-July, 2024

Paper Mart’s Jun-Jul 2024 edition is live now! The current edition of Paper Mart focuses on the progressive pulp and paper industry, which has ensured its existence in the lap of nature by maintaining close ties with natural resources, sustainable practices, and community engagement. The edition covers an elaborate feature......
HEADLINE Special Feature

In Pursuit of Lesser Water Footprint

In a pulp and paper mill, water is needed in almost every part of the process, whether the facility is digesting wood chips, making fiber slurries, or washing the machinery and rollers. About 85 percent of pulp and paper industry water use is for process water, which is contaminated during......
HEADLINE Special Feature

Naini Papers: Embracing Technology with Innovation

Currently, Naini Papers’ annual water consumption is 43,80,000 m3 (i.e.30 m3/ton of paper). The company has set benchmarks for water consumption for all major areas of the mill and adheres to the same. We identify the areas with fluctuating water consumption and take necessary measures to control the same on......

Naini Papers Orders Coating Kitchen from GAW

Naini relies on GAW for its Specialty Paper Machine for Coating Kitchen Oct 18, 2023 GAW Paper Coating Systems will be supplying a state-of-the-art coating kitchen with working stations for the new paper machine. Additionally, the kitchen and working station will be controlled by AutomationX batch management system and will......

Naini Papers to Acquire a Specialty Paper Machine PM 3, Cooking and Fiber Line Rebuild from Valmet

Naini Papers will acquire a specialty paper machine PM 3 at their Kashipur mill, and a cooking and fiber line rebuild which targets to increase the capacity from the current 300 BD t/d to 370 BD t/d, from Valmet.  Aug 31, 2023 Naini Papers will acquire key technologies, automation, and......