With our iProducts (iFibre, iTable, iPress and iSafety), we have created very innovative system solutions to enable our customers to achieve maximum of quality with minimum of energy and chemical additives, says Marc Kaddoura.
IBS – Paper Performance Group, founded in 1967 in Teufenbach, Austria, is a worldwide supplier to the paper and pulp industry. Over more than 40 years, IBS has grown to be an international market leader in the paper industry with almost its 95 percent products meant for export. With a global workforce of over 600 employee, its footprint is well felt in most of the regions where paper and pulp manufacturing is concentrated.
The company’s products (components for papermaking machines) are grouped into product areas such as Dewatering Systems, Fabric Tensioners & Guides, Doctors & Showers, Special Products, Engineered Consumables, Technological Services, etc.
IBS-PPG recently had a series of technical conferences in India to spread awareness of its system solutions and technology innovations meant for pulp, paper and tissue industry. The technical talk series has been a tremendous success. Paper Mart, during one such conference in Gurgaon, had a brief interview with Dr. Marc Kaddoura, CEO, IBS Holding GMBH to know more about the idea behind their innovative offerings to pulp and paper industry worldwide. Excerpts:
To begin with, tell me briefly about IBS-PPG – its origin and evolution in time.
IBS Group is a niche engineering company operating worldwide. Our core business is the design and manufacture of high performance system solution and components for the pulp and paper industry, for tissue and nonwoven. Our competence is based on over 50 years of tradition and experience. Currently, IBS have 16 operations worldwide. Our success in the market is the result of our world leading technology.
Which are the industries you serve through your machines, tools, and technology? Please provide an outline of your product categories based on industries you serve.
The IBS product portfolio is for every application: pulp and paper industry, tissue and nonwoven. We have 7 product groups and 9 strong brands; we are producing top quality of ceramics covers, Dewatering Elements, Vacuum Control System, Turn up Sytems, Doctors & Showers, Felt Tensioners & Fabric Guides, Steam Showers & Stock preparation, and the newest acquisition is PMS with High Pressure, Edge Trimming –Rubin Nozzel.
As a designer and manufacturer of high performance system solutions, what lies among your priorities? How do you decide that it’s time now to go for new product/technology that cuts from the existing rest?
With our iProducts (iFibre, iTable, iPress and iSafety), we have created very innovative system solutions to enable our customers to achieve maximum of quality with minimum of energy and chemical additives.
With these Products we are increasing the capacities and speed under fulfilment of the environmental requirements as well as economic success.
IBS-PPG is touted to be the largest company for the pulp and paper industry’s system solutions with almost its 95 percent products meant for export. Tell us about your global footprint both in terms of manufacturing facility and market.
IBS is truly international player with 95 percent of our business generated for Export, (export in around 60 countries). We are pooling all know-how from our different locations in one direction to create system solutions and optimize the life cycle costs. We are using the resources of the global IBS know-how within the Group to promote country-specific system solutions.
You are of the view that global mega-trends like urbanization, globalization, energy conservation, and eco-sustainability are driving forces for your product innovations. How?
MK: Mega trend will greatly affect our lives in the next 30-40 years. We derive our ideas and strategies taking in to consideration these mega-trends especially the Environment, Energy and Sustainability because, planet “EARTH” is finite. Inspired through the mega-trends, we developed a long time ago our product accordingly. Our product range is environmentally friendly and energy saving systems.
Tell us briefly about iTableTM and your latest system innovation iFiberTM. Any more such product in the offing?
The iTable influence and control the drainage and stock activity in the wire segment of the paper machine during the entire sheet forming process. This is the most intelligent Fourdrinier zone technology and allows the optimization and control of Drainage, Formation and Fibre Orientation. The paper and pulp industries are achieving, with our iTable, high runnability and short payback time.
The iFibre fibrilitang system provides new possibilities for the preparation of fibre suspensions, especially in the recycling of waste paper.
What are your views on the Indian pulp and paper industry’s technological trends? Do you foresee a deeper appreciation for your innovative systems here?
The feedback from the costumers is magnificent; they quite like these innovations. They recognise that the rebuilding the existing PM will bring the Indian pulp and paper industry enormous advantages; we are looking forward to work with them together.