CPI - Papermart

Tag : CPI


IPPTA: Paper Industry's Footsteps Towards Cutting-Edge Technology

The Indian paper industry seems to have understood that key growth drivers are sustainability and competitiveness through technology and proper investment decision making. IPPTA’s zonal seminar on the theme ‘Technological Advancement in Pulp/Paper Making Using Agro, Recycled and Other Raw Materials’ was conducted on the 4th and 5th August, 2016......

IPPTA Juxtaposing Resource Productivity & Cost Competitiveness

There was a sound of earnestness at this edition of IPPTA’s seminar when it chose the theme of resources conservation and saw it as a road leading to cost competiveness and sustainability. The 52nd Annual General Meeting and Seminar of IPPTA were held on March 10 & 11, 2016 at......

Thinking Outside the Box to Future-Proof Corrugated Packaging

June 11, 2014 Innovation is transforming the image of corrugated packaging, providing eye-catching uses beyond its traditional purpose for some of the biggest brand names in the food and beverage sectors, says the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI). The UK Corrugated Packaging Industry is already a pioneering force in sustainable,......