Stora Enso - Papermart

Tag : Stora Enso

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Södra Signs Agreement with UPM and Stora Enso to Supply Kraft Lignin by 2027

Södra has signed agreements with UPM and Stora Enso to provide kraft lignin. The company has made a major investment in the kraft lignin production facility at Mönsterås site in Sweden. The plant will be the first commercial kraft lignin production facility in Sweden and the largest of its type......

Stora Enso Acquires Finnish Sawmill Company for EUR 137 Million

The transaction will strengthen Stora Enso’s wood supply operations and reinforce its position in sawlog and pulpwood sourcing in the Baltic Rim wood market. Stora Enso’s annual wood procurement in Finland will hence increase by approximately 1.7 million m³ and the Group’s total saw-milling capacity by approximately 700,000 m³. The......

Södra to Open First Commercial Kraft Lignin Production Facility in Sweden

Södra signs an agreement with Stora Enso to supply kraft lignin. The market demand for sustainable materials and solutions is the reason for rapid surge of lignin applications. Sep 24, 2024 Södra signs an agreement with Stora Enso to supply kraft lignin. This follows the major investment announcement made this......

Stora Enso Introduces Performa Nova, Game Changer in Fiber-Based Packaging

Performa Nova will mark the first offering from Stora Enso’s brand-new board line in Oulu, Finland. It is poised to redefine industry standards and consumer expectations in the world of sustainable packaging. May 30, 2024 Stora Enso, a leading provider of renewable products in packaging, biomaterials and wooden construction, has......

Stora Enso Commits to Reach Net-Zero Emissions by 2040; Offer 100 percent Regenerative Products & Solutions by 2050

Stora Enso to fulfill its commitment to become net carbon positive, and to offer 100 percent regenerative products and solutions by 2050, has become a signatory of The Climate Pledge. Dec 12, 2023 Stora Enso, recently committed to net-zero emissions by signing The Climate Pledge. This move displays its long-term......

Stora Enso’s BOD Appoints Member Mr. Hans Sohlström as New President & CEO

Stora Enso’s Board of Directors have appointed Mr. Hans Sohlström as the new President & CEO of Stora Enso. He will replace Ms. Annica Bresky and step down from his current position of BOD member. Sep 18, 2023 Stora Enso Oyj’s Board of Directors (BOD) has appointed Mr. Hans Sohlström......

Stora Enso Contracts ANDRITZ to Optimize its 630,000 TPA Enocell Pulp Mill in Finland

Stora Enso has contracted ANDRITZ Group to optimize its Enocell pulp mill in UImaharju, Finland, for better production capacity and reduced ecological footprint. The pulp mill has a production capacity of 630,000 TPA. Aug 8, 2023 Stora Enso has contracted ANDRITZ Group to optimize the fiber line at its Enocell......

Stora Enso Appoints ABB for Sectional Drive Systems Supply for Conversion into Packaging Line in Finland

Stora Enso appointed ABB to supply sectional drive systems for the conversion of their former paper line into a consumer board line for folding box board and coated unbleached kraft, in their Oulu mill in Northern Finland. The conversion will increase the site’s total annual capacity to 1,200,000 metric tons.......