Business is all about results. Results arise from opportunities. Opportunities arise from work. And business must work beyond the boundaries of achievement to establish itself from good to great. In this edition we are introducing some of the top companies in INDIAN PAPER INDUSTRY wherein highlighting their future plans, new technologies adopted, recent product launches, CSR etc. In order to give the due recognition to the paper industry like those of IT, power, oil & gas industry etc. With this endeavour we would like to see the Indian paper industry embossed as the permanent stamp on the worldMAP.

Headquarter: Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Works: Bhadrachalam, Andhra Pradesh; Kovai, Tamilnadu; Tribeni, West Bengal; Bollarum, Andhra Pradesh
Branch Locations: New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad
No of Employees: 3804
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Light ECF bleaching technology using Ozone in stages of the bleaching operation to reduce the usage of Chlorine and manufacture brighter, stronger pulp with lighter environmental footprint than before.
• “Green” Boiler – it depends on non-traditional, renew-able bio mass for fuel and thereby reduce dependence on fossil fuels by over 100,000 tonnes per annum.
• Installed a producer gas plant that generates producer gas from solid waste and helps reduce the existing boiler’s demand on fossil fuel, and encourages reuse of process waste.
• A4 packaging line with on-line packaging of copier paper. First of its kind machine in India, using Servo technology to give a perfectly registered cut-pack.
Product Launches since 2008
• Alfa Zap – woodfree paper with unique shade & higher opacity.
• HiZine -woodfree paper with unmatched bulk & stiffness and superior smoothness.
• Perma White – superior text paper with permanence and durability delivers longer archival life.
• DigiArt – coated board for digital printing available in ready to use pre-cut sizes.
• ITC is the only organization in the world, of its size and diversity, to be simultaneously Carbon Positive, Water Positive, and SolidWaste recycling positive.
• In 2009, ITC’s plantation programme’s impact crossed the 100,000 hectares mark.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• ITC successfully registered a social forestry project as a CDM project under the UNFCC. The project, a first-of-its kind in India, has been initiated on private degraded wastelands owned by tribals and the rural poor. It will contribute to the livelihoods of these disadvantaged sections in 193 villages in the district.
• ITC achieved the unique distinction of becoming the first Indian company to be invited to become a member of the WWFGFTN for responsible forestry.
• Got FSC certification for two of its manufacturing units – in Kovai and Bhadrachalam.
Financials (2008-09)
• Turnover: Rs. 2821.96 crores
• Growth Rate: 15%
Future Plans
“We will expand our presence in both papers and paperboards while continuing to keep environment concerns at the core of all our development.”

Ballarpur Industries Limited
Headquarter: Gurgaon, Haryana
Works: Unit Sewa (District Korapur, Orissa);
Unit Bhigwan (District Pune, Maharashtra);
Unit Ballarpur(District Chandrapur, Maharashtra);
Unit Shree Gopal (Yamunanagar, Haryana);
Unit Ashti (District Gadchiroli, Maharashtra);
Unit Sabah Forest Industries (SFI) (Sabah, Malaysia)
Branch Locations: Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi
No. of employees: 2708 (permanent employees)
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Installed paper machine at Bhigwan with on machine blade coating to produce 190,000 MT of coated paper annually.
• Janus Super Calendar from Voith installed at Bhigwan to impart gloss to the coated paper.
• Installed 165,000 TPA paper machine at Ballarpur from Allimand.
• Commissioned new paper finishing equipments like Globe rewinder, Pasaban sychro sheeter and Beilomatic ream wrapping machine.
• A huge warehouse is constructed to stock the finished paper.
• QCS installed on two machines for online monitoring & control of moisture, baseweight and ash of paper.
• Improved cleanliness of paper by introducing screens with fine slotted baskets at the approach flow system of paper machines and broke handling system.
• Replaced inefficient motors in the plant by installation of variable frequency drives (VFDs) and modification of the mill’s lighting system.
• A new A4 cut size packing line with latest technology was installed at Sewa.
• Several other cost reduction initiativeswere implemented, such as use of MFO to replace diesel in lime kiln, utilize power from the limited capacity government power grid, and in-situ size press starch conversion (enzymatic starch) instead of using oxidized starch.
• Complete revamping and upgrading of the pulp mill.
Product Launches since 2008
• New shades in extensible sack craft paper and maplitho NSD premium paper.
• Retail segment products for the export markets like colored matrix grades in 5 colors and BCB 400 gsm for scratch coupons.
• “Ten on Ten” copier and P3 to cater the retail segment.
• LWC paper.
Financials (1 July 2008 – 30 June 09)
Turnover:Rs 2824.7 crores
Net Profit: 655.8 crores
Growthrate: (– ve) 0.23%
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• FSC-COC certification for Ballarpur, Bhigwan & Ashti units.
• Newlime sludge re-burning installed in Ballarpur.
• Commissioned oxygen De-lignifications plant to control AOX discharge.
• Effluent discharge systemwas totally revamped.
• Opened centre for handicapped children at SFI.
• To strengthen the farm forestry program and increase its acceptability amongst farmers in the catchment areas of our mills, BTTL supplies fast growing, site specific quality planting stock with technical knowhow.
• Formed 29 Village Development Committees.
• Undertaken micro enterprise poultry farming by the SHG members Sewa.
Note : This information is compiled from BILT 2008-09 annual report and other reliable sources.
JK Paper Limited
Headquarter: New Delhi
Works: JK Paper Mills (Rayagada, Orissa); Central Pulp Mills (Songadh, Gujarat)
Branch Location:NewDelhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai
No. of Employees: Close to 3000 employees
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
Trials for usage of WGCC / PCC as fillers in JK Branded products were undertaken, for improving the printing properties of paper and also the aesthetic look.
Product Launches since 2008
• Branded Copier – Cedar
• Packaging Board – JK Endura, JK IV Board, JK Pristine Cote
• Stationery – Note Pal (notebook), JK Printblank (plotter roll)
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Obtained loan from IFC ofUSD3 million to implement water and energy saving measures. This is estimated to result in 17% reduction in water consumption and 10% savings in energy consumption. The savings envisaged equal the average annual water consumption of 75,000 Indian households and energy use of 9,100 families.
• Installed lime sludge recycling plants at both factories.
• Installed rainwater harvesting systemsin factory premises.
• 25 Women Self-Help Groups have been formed in 12 adopted villages with a membership of 294 rural Women, mostly belonging to Tribal Community. As a part of Health Education, 29 Balika Mandals with 466 adolescent girls were formed for sensitizing the target audience on basics of health care.
• To intensify the efforts on the Community Development front and thereby to create a better quality of life to the people of the society in the vicinity, the company has formed a new NGO named ‘SPARSH’.
Financials (2009-10)
Turnover:Rs 1300 crores
Net Profit: Rs91crores
Future Plans
Planning the installation of a new paper machine of 150,000 TPAand pulp mill of 200,000 TPAalong with utilities.
Tamilnadu Newsprint & Papers Limited
Headquarter: Chennai, Tamilnadu
Works: Karur District, Tamil Nadu
Branch Location: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Ernakulam, Kolkata, Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Secunderabad
No. of Employees: 1810
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Installed 300 TPD hardwood pulp line with ECF bleaching & a 500 TPD ECF bleach plant for chemical bagasse pulp line.
• Installed recovery boiler of 1300 TPA.
• A falling film evaporator of 350 TPD water evaporation capacitywas installed.
• Added a new 20MWturbo generator and a fully integrated 15 TPD Chlorine-di-Oxide plant.
• Installed a new headbox, improved press frames, size press, pope reel and winder.
• Installed a Paper Machine.
• Installed high efficient washers.
• Installed a multi-fuel boiler with steam generation capacity of 125 TPH.
Product Launches since 2008
• Commander-A4 size paper
• Perfect Copier (85 gsm) – aneweconomic copier
• AceMarvel
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Treated effluentwater conforming to the PCB norms.
• Registered two CDM projects with UNFCCC, first under
Waste Management Sector (Biogas) and second in Renewable Energy Sector (Windfarm).
• Planted 50000 trees in and around the factory.
• Implemented Non-Condensible Gas incineration system.
• Water consumption has been brought down to 62 KL per tonne of paper and the treated effluent discharge to <40 KL per tonne of paper.
• Introduced Ozone treatment.
• Entered into an agreement with Tamil Nadu Water
Investment Company to reduce the total dissolved solids in the final effluent and thereby improve the effluent standards further.
Financials (2008-09)
Turnover: Rs. 1066.46 crores
Net Profit: Rs. 157.85 crores
Growth Rate: 13.6%
Future Plans
• Planned to install De-Inking Plant by the end of 2011.
• Proposed the revamping of Steamand Power System.
• Innovative solution of Lime Sludge Management is to be undertaken.
• Committed to rise plantation in about 15000 acres every year to attain the target of 1 lakh acres by the year 2012-13.
Century Pulp & Paper
Headquarter: Mumbai, Maharashtra
Works: Lalkua, Uttarakhand
Branch Location: New Delhi, Kolkata
No. of Employees: 2687
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• 450 TPD ECF Fibre line along with a 1300 Tons Black liquor solids/day is under various stage of implementation and expected to be operational by September 2010.
• 200 TPD A-4 cutting line expected to be commissioned in 2010-end.
• 100 TPD Tissue plant equipped with latest technology from Metso to manufacture finest paper with higher bulk and softness commissioned in December 2008.
Product Launches since 2008
• Various Soft Tissue Grades – Facial, Napkin, Toilet and Kitchen Towel etc in theGSMrange of 13-40.
• “Century Elanza” -Wood Base Copier Paper.
• “CenturyGreen” – Copier paper fromRecycled Fibre.
• Unbleached Absorbent Kraft.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Installed an efficient full-fledged Effluent Treatment plant.
• Bagasse based papers got licensed for Eco Labeling a distinct honor to be attained.
• Installed pith fired boiler to utilize pith as fuel substituting coal.
• Electrostatic precipitators have been installed in all boilers in lime kiln to arrest particulate from flue gases.
• Company is also under implementation of FSC certification of its products within two months.
Financials (2008-09)
Turnover: Rs. 976 crores
Net Profit: Rs. 47.12 crores
Growth Rate: 8.56%
Future Plans:
• A 500 TPD multilayered board plant including latest technology fromVoith is under installation.
• 43MWturbine under installation.
• To improve the quality of its Recycled Fibre Base papers Size press has been considered, which is expected to be commissioned in 2011 beginning.
The Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills Limited
Headquarter: Secunderabad, Andhra Pardesh
Works: Rajahmundry, Andhra Pardesh; MR Palem, Andhra Pardesh
Branch Location: New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Kochi, Bangalore
No. of Employees: Unit APPM – 2315, Unit CP – 1495
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Lo-Solids continuous Cooking and oxygen De-lignification.
• ECF bleaching of pulp.
• Recovery island which consists of a 7 effect plate type FFFF (Free Flow Falling Film) evaporation plant. The single largest Recovery boiler has a capacity to fire 1300 TPD solids.
• Centralized refining system.
• Coal fired FBC boiler with a capacity of 105 TPH at 64 ATA pressure & 34 MW double extraction condensing type TG.
• Semi-automatic reel packing machine with a capacity of 40 reels per hour.
• A 67,000 TPA machine (PM 6) which is capable of producing writing and printing grades has been installed.
• Up-gradation of No 3 Paper machines at unit APPM and
Unit CP:
At unit APPM PM 3 was rebuilt and the following changes were made
– DuoForme rwas installed
– Old size press was replaced with new
– Old calendar stack was replaced with new
– Old condensate system was replaced with new one
– Machine was speededupto450MPMby adding new dryers
At Unit: CP the following changesweremadeonPM3
– Incorporated Duoshake on wire part
– Incorporatednew3rd Press
– Incorporated transfer foil between press part&unirun
– Duo stabilizer at first uni-run
– New steam and condensate system
– Incorporated 3×7 ceramic top foil boxes.
• AndhraHi Brite SGMaplitho – superior special grade paper.
• Andhra Skytone and Andhra Starliner in the premium segment.
Product Launches since 2008
• Introduced India’s first Copier with Colour freeze technology – Copyrite.
• Reflection – premiumgrade 70GSMCopier.
• Andhra Starwhite – high bright paper.
• Andhra Primavera – high end writing and printing paper.
• AndhraRoyal Silk – premiumgrade Maplitho paper.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• First paper mill in India to installNCGburning system
• All the chimneys of Recovery Boiler, Coal fired boiler and lime kilns are connected with state of the art ESPs (Electrostatic Precipitators)
Financials (2009-10)
Turnover: Rs. 650 crores
Net Profit: Rs. 55 crores
Growth Rate: 3% (The growth in the bottom line should be about 200%)
Note : As per provisional financial results
Future Plans:
• Planning to upgrade the Pulp Mill along with Recovery area for the production of Pulp to 2,37,500 TPA against 1,82,500 TPAof at present.
• After stabilizingPM6, machine will be upgraded to increase production by 20,000 TPA.
• Up-gradation of DIP plant to get the brightness of 80+ and specks free pulp.
• Old Boilers & ESPs will be upgraded to enable power export up to 9MWfromcurrent export of 5MWpower.
• PM5 – for making more energy efficient, planned for closed hood and up-gradation of pocket ventilation system with wire part modification, whichwill increase production by 2000 TPA and also reduce steam consumption per ton of paper.
West Coast Paper Mills Limited
Headquarter: Bangalore, Karnataka
Works: Dandeli, Karnataka
Branch Location: New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai
No. of Employees: 2620
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
Installed Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) Fibreline.
Product Launches since 2008
On the new machine S.S. Maplitho Hi-Bright, various Copier Paper and Computer Paper grades will be produced and subsequent launches will be done.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• ECF Fiber Line has reduced pollution load considerably and improved environmental compliance.
• Participating in field of education, medical facilities, infrastructure development, distribution of notebooks & scholarships.
• Running various professional courses, particularly degree and post graduation course in Pulp & Paper Science, Microbiology, Industrial Chemistry and Functional English, etc
Financials (2008-09)
Turnover:Rs. 623.56 crores
Net Profit: Rs. 90.53 crores
Growth Rate: 5.6%
Future Plans:
Recently completed expansion programme with an investment outlay of Rs.1375 crores for increasing paper production capacity from 180,000 TPA to 320,000 TPA and co-generation of captive power capacity from 40.3 MW to 70.3MW.
Abhishek Industries Limited
Headquarter: Ludhiana, Punjab
Works: Barnala, Punjab
Branch Location: New Delhi, Chandigarh
No. of Employees: About 10,000 members
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• High speed Paper Machine fromAllimand, France
• Pulping technology & machinery from Metso Fiber Line, Sweden
• Octopus Headbox for uniformpulp distribution
• Trinip press for better surface finish
• Twin wire systemfor better formation of paper
• High Speed Winder fromAllimand, France
• Pasaban folio Sheeter
• Online reel packaging system
• ECHWills cutter for perfect A4-line copier finish
• Online packaging of copier paper (cartonization and palletization)
• Fuzzy lime kiln burner system
• ECF Technology for pulp bleaching
Product Launches since 2008
• Spectra Copier paper
• My Choice Copier paper
• LOTUS Premium Copier paper
• Crystal Line SSM Paper
• Silver Line SSM Paper
• Diamond Line SSM Paper
• Nature Line Natural shade paper
• Prime Line Writing & Printing Paper.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• ECF technology usage, resulting in Zero Chlorine discharge
• Best water conservation mill in India for production of 480 MT of paper capacity
• Fuzzy logic on lime kiln burner
• Main raw material is wheat straw which is renewable agro residue and thus saving trees for paper manufacturing
• Extra income and alleviation of socio-economic condition of nearby farmer through purchase ofwheat straw locally.
Financials (2009-10)
Turnover: Rs. 1822 crores (total turnover of Abhishek Industries Limited)
Net Profit: Rs. 56.5 crores
GrowthRate: over30%annually.
Future Plans
• To maximize production of high quality copier paper and explore international market for better opportunities
• To make continuous efforts for further machine upgradation
• Become first choice of customers for copier paper – investment in branding.
Orient Paper & Industries Limited
Headquarter: Kolkata, West Bengal
Works: Amlai, Madhya Pradesh; Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh
No. of Employees: 1896
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Converting the traditional Pulp Mill into a State of the art Fibre line by adopting the following :
– Hot Stock Screening to reduce Power consumption & improve pulp quality.
– Extended Oxygen De-lignification system to reduce AOX level of effluent and reduce Chemicals consumption in bleach plant.
– Modified Bleaching Sequence with an eye on solutions pertaining to environment and minimumuse of energy.
– Upgradation of Recovery Boiler by replacing the lower furnace with new membrane type construction.
– Upgradation of Evaporator plant by installation ofcFalling Film evaporator.
– Upgradation of Caustisizing plant by installing newcStationary Slaker.
– Adoption of solar energy systems for Industrial &cDomestic lighting/ heating.
Product Launches since 2008
Improved the complete product range for niche market by making technological enhancements.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society:
• Water conservation to a level of 25%.
• Adopted newer technologies like diffused aeration system, Sludge dewatering system for better effluent treatment process and minimization of solidwaste generated.
• Installation of Lime Re-burning Kiln system for reutilizing lime sludge generated.
• To improve ambient air quality installed Electro Static
Precipitator (ESP) at Power Boiler and upgraded Blow Heat Recovery system.
• Development of Social forestry by aggressive plantation in the nearby areas.
• Carried out repairing ofwells (2 nos.)
• Supplied drinkingwater to nearby areas (3248 nos. tankers)
Financials (2009-10)
Turnover: Rs. 197.12 crores
Net Profit: Rs. (–va) 17.10 crores*
* Set back during 09-10 due to long shut downs of the plant mainly for unprecedented scarcity of water.
Future Plans:
• To installnew55MWCaptive Power Plant
• To achieve Mill Water consumption of less than 100 M /tonne of paper
• To install new bleach plant at Pulp Mill to achieve higher brightness of pulp, chlorine free bleaching and less discharge of effluent
• To Develop new Clonal plantations with Brazilian technology
• To install Chip Washing System to improve performance of LimeRe-burning System.
Emami Paper Mills Limited
Headquarter: Kolkata, West Bengal
Mill: Kolkata,West Bengal; Balasore, Orissa
No. of Employees: 2500
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Modern de-inking plant for PM1 has been imported from France
• De-inking pulp mill for PM2 and PM3 was imported from Germany
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Several steps to upgrade effluent treatment plants, including sludge de-watering system, management of solid wastes through recycling, feeding of ETP sludge to boiler and rainwater harvesting.
Financials (2009-10)
Turnover:Rs 400 crore
Net Profit: Rs 7 crore
Future Plans:
• Setting up a 400 TPD newsprint manufacturing facility at Balasore in Orissa involving a capital investment of Rs 500-crore. The project is expected to be complete within two years.
• Also decided to embark on a 600 TPD wood based pulp and paper project at Balasore. The project envisages an investment of Rs 2000-crore and will be implemented in two phases spread over a span of three-four years
Companies in the race to get the pace…
Rainbow Papers Limited
Headquarter: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Works: Kalol-Mehsana Highway, Gujarat (2 plants)
Branch Locations: New Delhi, Mumbai
No. of Employees: 900, 500 (Labour on contract basis)
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Deinking plant fromKadant Lamort.
• Imported and upgraded two paper plants from Germany of Voith make.
Product Launches since 2008
Printing and writing papers, Newsprint, Red Maplitho, Indigo Newsprint, Green Creamwove, Bristol Paper. As of now, Rainbow is manufacturing more than 186 varieties of papers.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Planted over 7000 trees at manufacturing units to balance the environment.
• Recycle and reuse more than 80% of water. Rainbow also has integrated effluent treatment plants. The residue sludge is then converted into boards.
• The fly ash – a residue of power generation is used to manufacture bricks.
Financials (2008-09)
Turnover: Rs. 244.11 crores
Net Profit: Rs. 23.61 crores
Future Plans
• Imported two machines from Germany. One machine is already installed and the other one is under installation with a total capital outlay of Rs. 327 crores.
• Also planning to install Packaging Board machine in next financial year
Yash Papers Limited
Headquarter: Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh
Works: Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh
No. of Employees: About 450
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• OnlineQCSonPM2 and 3.
• Development ofwheat strawdedusting system.
• TPMimplementation.
Product Launches since 2008
• ChromoBase Paper
• Foil lamination base paper
• SoapWrapper Base
• PosterOrange Ribbed
• Bleached Ribbed Paper
• Ribbed KraftMettalising Base
• High strength paper for bag application
• Anti Rust Base Paper
• Bleached and Unbleached Straw Pulp
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Ashmohcement development fromRice Husk Ash.
• Vegetable garden and fish pond at ETP.
• Research on silica extraction fromRice Husk Ash.
• Research on Lime Sludge usage with IIT Kanpur.
• ESP start up inRecovery Boiler.
• Reduction in Power, steamandwater consumption.
• Adoption and building of over 125 toilets in 2 villages.
• Tailoring courses in 2 villages and formation of self help groups.
• Teachers training courses in 5 villages.
• Short term vocational courses.
Financials (2008-09)
Turnover: Rs. 88 crores
Net Profit: Rs. (–ve) 2 crores
Future Plans
• Establishing awood line.
• Development of further value added products.
Sidharth Papers Limited
Headquarter: Kashipur, Uttarakhand
Works: 3 units at Kashipur, Uttarakhand; 2 units at Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Initiated production of Light GSM Writing and Kraft paper with 4.7metre deckle atMuzaffarnagar Unit.
• Installed6MWBiomass Co-generation Turbine atKashipur Unit.
Product Launches since 2008
• Radiant Brite – high brightness packaging board
• File Board
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Common chemical recovery plant for agro pulping section for two units.
• Biomass Co-generation system is under progress to improve environment condition.
Future Plans
• Taking steps to improve the product quality.
Murli Industries Limited
Headquarter: Nagpur, Maharashtra
Works: Nagpur, Maharashtra
No. of Employees: 1000
Product Launches since 2008
• Galaxy – Super quality Grey Back Duplex Board.
• Hi bright Crystal variety inWriting&Printing Paper.
• StarGrey Back&Star White Back in Duplex Board in Unit 1.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Upgraded Effluent Treatment Plant.
• Installed a highly advanced electrostatic precipitator (ESP) in power plant.
• Reduced fresh water consumption by installing Reverse Osmosis Plant.
• Undertake plantation drive in its immediate neighborhood.
Financials (2009-10)
Turnover: Rs. 571.67 crores
Net Profit: 40.30
Growth rate: 9%
Note : Unaudited figures.
Future Plans
• Increase pulp mill capacity from150 TPD TO200 TPD.
• Introduce Copier paper and hi bright Writing & Printing paper with90%brightness.
• Manufacture & stabilize SBS&FBB grades on new machine
ABC Paper Limited
Headquarter: Chandigarh
Works: District Hoshiarpur, Punjab
Branch Locations: New Delhi
No. of Employees: 870
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• Pre-bleach Enzyme Treatment introduced before bleaching.
• Reinforced peroxide bleaching.
• To improve pulp quality, raw material cleaning system consisting of dry and wet cleaning incorporated.
• DCS&QCSsystem.
• AKD sizing, Binary sizing, introduction of pigments, GCC,
Fluorescent whitening agentwere introduced.
• Installed one clarifier
Product Launches since 2008
• Superprint (made onPMIV)
• Maplitho grades and copier paper are likely to be added in near future.
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Inclusion of best available technologies (BATs), including lignin precipitation system (LPS), conventional soda recovery plant (CRP) and high rate biomethanation system for treatment, recovery and recycling.
• The recovery of polyphenols, lignosulphonates, caustic soda, gypsum, biogas and fibre.
• Complete ban on plastic within the factory premises.
• Extensive use of CFL bulbs.
• Reuse of domestic waste for vermicomposting, farm forestry.
• Agronomy education to farmers for treating effluent irrigation.
• Development of green belt beyond statutory limits.
• Social development work includes services like blood donation, free medical check-ups, financial support to local villages for developmentwork in co-ordination with Red Cross Society and local administration, vocation training and affordable education.
Financials (2008-09)
• Turnover: Rs. 220 Crores
• Net Profit: Rs. 9.33 Crores
• GrowthRate: 5.40%
Future Plans:
• Possibilities are being explored for ECF Bleaching and/or ozone treatment.
• In order to have better solid waste management, plans are afoot to go for lime kiln for lime sludge; and a brick manufacturing unit to utilize fly ash from power boiler.
• To get steam economy in evaporator plant, proposal for
Twin drum press for black liquor extraction is under consideration.
• Studies are being done to use chelating agent to reduce metal ions in pulp.
Bindal Papers Limited
Headquarter: Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh
Works: Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh
Branch Location: New Delhi, Mumbai
No. of Employees: 450 – Permanently Employed, 80 – Temporary Employed (including contractor labourers)
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
The mill was commissioned in May, 2009 to produce 200 TPD of writing & printing grade of paper from agro-based wastes. It is a greenfield project constituting latest environment friendly bleaching sequence, using chlorine di-oxide, oxygen & peroxide. The latest features were also included on paper machine like hydraulic head box, top former, tri-nip press & speed sizer.
Product Launches since 2008
Bindal Bright White (BBW)in 54 – 90GSM
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Selection of Enders (FBR) process – Chemical recovery for incineration of black liquor which is more suitable for agrobased black liquor.
• Reduction in water consumption from 110 KL/MT to 70 KL/MT. It is the lowest freshwater consumption in similar technology plant.
• Reduction in utility parameters like steam & chemicals consumption.
• Development of additional green belts.
• Selection of best available environment-friendly bleaching sequence, hence, the paper is produced with Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) bleached pulp.
Future Plans
• Implementation of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 systems.
• Launching of copier paper.
• Initiation of CSR activities.
Servalakshmi Paper Mills Limited
Headquarter: Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Works: Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu
Branch Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu
No. of Employees: 230 permanent employees
New Technologies Adopted since 2008
• POM Technology in Stock Preparation to save power and faster grade changes.
• Two stagesMetso deinking process with full automation.
• “Intelligent MCC” in complete plant automation supplied by Siemens.
Product Launches since 2008
• LakshmiNewsprint
• Lakshmi Offset Printing
• Lakshmi PearlSSML
Steps taken towards better Environment & Society
• Boiler Stack with ESPs is designed by Thermax to comply with CREP norms of Air pollution.
• Installed full-fledged Effluent Treatment plant with Activated Sludge Process, supplied by EIMCOKCP.
• Treated water is being used for plantation within the campus. Sludge generated is being used for Boardmaking.
Note : Commercial production started in April 2010
Future Plans
Going for value added products like Copier, High-end SSML and Coating Base paper.