For the Sinar Mas’ paper production project, 300 acres of land has been earmarked at Dherand in Raigad, Maharashtra.
October 27, 2022

The Maharashtra state cabinet committee for industries has given its nod for the setting up of a paper manufacturing unit by Indonesia-based Sinar Mas. The pulp and paper manufacturing project will entail an investment of INR 20,000 crore in Raigad, a district in Maharashtra.
In a meeting of the Cabinet Sub-Committee of the industries department, the Sinar Mas manufacturing project was approved in addition to some other projects. As per the media reports, this investment is the first-ever in India by one of the largest Indonesian conglomerates.
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Further, the sub-committee has also decided to extend its incentive package for industries by two years since it could not be utilised during the pandemic.
It has been decided that the INR 20k crore will be invested in two phases. 300 acres of land have already been allocated at Dherand in the Raigad district for this project. Moreover, the Maharashtra government has expressed its intent to allot more land as and when required for the said project.
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Sinar Mas has different subsidiaries for its businesses, including the pulp & paper, real estate, financial services, agribusiness, telecommunications, and mining. In the pulp & paper division, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Sinar Mas’ products are marketed in more than 150 countries across six continents.