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Tag : paper recycling

Industry Watch Video Videos

Greenwashing: Misleading the Consumers

Green marketing owes its existence to corporate environmental responsibility and the urgency about combating the issue of climate change. A business practice that takes into consideration consumer concerns about driving preservation and conservation of the natural environment, green marketing highlights the superior environmental protection features of a company’s products and......
Industry Watch

The Selfridges Story

In a pioneering environmental move, Selfridges is championing the collection of used cups from its retail stores and offices and handing them over to James Cropper to upcycle them into beautiful paper for the store’s iconic yellow carrier bags. British retailer Selfridges is well known for pushing boundaries and setting......

Newsprint Demand in India to Reach 2.8 Million Tonnes in FY20

The growing newsprint demand will have a positive impact on the paper recycling market, which is also expected to grow significantly. July 6, 2018 With improvement in the literacy rates, rising circulation and an increase in number of newspapers and magazines, the newsprint demand in India is expected to reach......

Paper Recovery Rate Reaches 65.8 Percent in US in 2017

Paper is one of the most successfully recovered and recycled commodities in the U.S. because of our strong, market-driven voluntary system: AF&PA May 3, 2018 The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) announced that 65.8 percent of paper consumed in the U.S. was recovered for recycling in 2017, a slight......

Global Forest and Paper Industry Reports on Sustainability Progress

The 2017 ICFPA Sustainability Progress Report is the sixth biennial report highlighting ICFPA members’ collective progress on the sustainability commitments listed in the 2006 CEO Leadership Statement on Sustainability. December 8, 2017 The International Council of Forest and Paper Associations (ICFPA) launched its 2017 Sustainability Progress Report. It is the......
Tech Articles Case Study

Increased Paper Consumption: Best Bet to Combat Climate Change

– Deepak Kumar Khare The real answer to challenges such as reducing massive carbon footprint and combating climate change lies in encouraging usage of paper and paper products, catalysing plantation efforts. For ensuring and enhancing green cover in India, encouraging farmers to undertake tree farming on their private/community land is......

Kadant Inc Bags Fiber Processing Order Worth USD 7 Mn From Two Paper Producers

It supplies equipment used in papermaking, paper recycling, and other process industries January 29, 2016 Kadant Inc has won orders totaling USD 7 million from two North America paper producers for chemical pulping equipment and a recycled fiber processing line. The orders were booked in the Q4 2015 and are......