Industry Watch - Page 13 of 15 - Papermart

Category : Industry Watch

Industry watch offers a look into the latest trends, newest innovations and new product development taking in the pulp and paper industry around the globe.

Industry Watch

“Paper is a Medium with a Future”

On the panel: five distinguished, highly skilled professionals, with five different points of view. Yet in the end, the consensus was: “Paper is a medium with a future”. The panel discussion hosted by Voith Paper as part of the “Literature Days” festival in Heidenheim was entertaining, enjoyable and a complete success for all those taking part....
Industry Watch

Paper substrates in Self Adhesive Labels!

Mr. Harveer Singh Sahni, is the MD of Weldon Celloplast Limited, producers of self adhesive label stocks, tapes & security label materials. He has widely travelled and has visited number of paper mills in Switzerland, Finland & Italy including 100's of label printing companies around the globe. Mr. Sahni has to his credit several presentations and articles on the label...
Industry Watch

India's Growth Story & Advantages for the Packaging Industry

Indian economy is the eleventh largest economy in the world by nominal GDP and has the second largest GDP on PPP basis among emerging economies i.e. USD 3.5 trillion. India is\ the 4th largest economy in the world by PPP basis and the sheer size of economy with a population......
Industry Watch

Europe shows global leadership in recycling

The latest Monitoring report of the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) shows that Europe has achieved a world record level of paper recycling in 2009. The rate reached 72.2% which is again higher than the target set in its Commitment for 2010 of 66%. The total amount recycled in paper mills came to 58 million tonnes in 2009. “The economic...
Industry Watch

PAPER BOOK – ebook

A tale of two media - electronic and print is always a debatable topic since last so many years. You must have remember when the outburst of computers came to the economy and everyone was singing the song of “PAPERLESS OFFICE” but the effect was opposite, rather it has increased the consumption of paper. Now, that same song is back...
Industry Watch

European Pulp & Paper Industry Statistics

Recently CEPI (Confederation of European Paper Industries) released the key statistics of European Pulp & Paper Industry covering data for 2009. It contained the key statistics necessary to give a picture of the performance of the Paper Industry in Europe. CEPI represents 95% of the European pulp and paper industry in terms of production. Members companies of CEPI in 2009...