European Paper Recycling - Papermart

Tag : European Paper Recycling

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EPRC: Paper Value Chain is Ready to Take Circularity to New Level with 2030 Recycling Rate Target

The European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) recently held the European Paper Recycling Awards during which the recycling rate of 76 percent has been set by the European paper value chain representatives. July 7, 2022 Representatives of the European paper value chain gathered in Brussels and pledged to recycle 76 percent......
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Ban on Recovered Paper Imports from EU a Clerical Error: India

According to the reports, it was not the intention of the Govt. of India to ban recovered paper imports from the EU — rather it was a clerical error. November 1, 2021 The Indian Embassy has contacted the European Commission and confirmed that a clerical error was made that meant......
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Italy Achieves EU Paper Recycling Target 15 Years Early

Italy’s race on the circular economy continues. And it is getting better and better, so much so that the country is 15 years ahead of the European paper recycling targets. October 27, 2021 Italy has hit the target set by the European Union for paper and cardboard recycling 15 years......
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European Paper Recycling Demonstrates High Level of Resilience in Light of Severe Global Disruptions

CEPI emphasizes that there is a healthy demand for paper for recycling in Europe and worldwide. March 26, 2021 CEPI, the European association representing the paper industry, has been closely monitoring market developments in reaction to the material waste import ban by the Chinese authorities including paper for recycling, the......

European Paper Recycling Rate Increased to 72 Percent in 2019

The sharp and continued decline in Chinese demand for European Paper for Recycling was balanced by increased demand from other countries such as Turkey and India. July 17, 2020 The European paper recycling rate has increased from 71.7% in 2018 to 72% in 2019 due to a stable utilization of......
Industry Watch

European Paper Recycling in 2011 at 70.4%

October 11, 2012 The European paper recycling rate reached an impressive 70.4% as announced by the ERPC (European Recovered Paper Council) in their annual monitoring report. The report shows that the total amount of paper collected and recycled in the paper sector remains stable at 58 million tons, the same......