The company recently launched Appretan® NTR6304, a water-based polymeric binder based on renewable natural ingredients.

Archroma is a global leader in colours and specialty chemicals. The company provides expertise in the management of whiteness, colouration, special coatings and strength for all kinds of packaging and paper.
Archroma is well known for its innovations and solution systems aimed to help packaging & paper manufacturers to optimise productivity and/or create value in their markets. In the past three years, the company introduced over 70 systems designed in line with the principles of ‘The Archroma Way to a Sustainable World: Safe, efficient, enhanced, it’s our nature’, for paper, packaging, fashion, technical textile, and many other applications.
“We can all see the growing consumer demand for products that are safer for people and kinder to the environment. At Archroma, we believe that we can help transform packaging & paper making by providing solutions that bring value, including sustainable value, whilst optimising costs and resource utilization in production”, comments Ms. Jyotsana Shrivastava, Senior Vice President, Paper & Packaging Specialties, India.
“We strive to develop and offer innovative, safe and sustainable solutions for colouration, whiteness, and for overall productivity in paper manufacturing. It is also critical for us that we would have systems supporting specifically the use of recycled fibers”, she adds.
In the area of whiteness, for instance, Archroma has developed BRIGHT N’SAFE, a system that brings together high whiteness & brightness with food safety for FDA compliant packaging, with improved control and reduced slowdowns in production, SMART WHITE, a system to optimise production even at the highest whiteness level for high quality paper, with less resource use, or PRINT IT BRITE, a system that makes paper whiter and brighter, prints sharper and more vibrant, and the production more efficient.
When it comes to supporting recyclability, the company offers systems such as HOLD TIGHT, a system for improved fiber retention and bonding to create recycled paper that performs cycle after cycle – and to conserve our forests, CLEAN MACHINE, a system for stickies control on the paper and on the machine, for reduced downtime in production and the ability to use lower quality raw materials and reduce costs, CLEAN FELT, a system for increased productivity and spotless paper, even with a higher share of recycled pulp.
Archroma also offers BOXING CLEVER, a colouration solution for enhanced packaging with a more economical production, BREAKING NEWS for optimised production of odourless high quality paper newsprint grades and lower chemical load, and RUN FASTER, a system for improved paper drainage, higher machine speeds and increased productivity.
Latest Innovation
The company recently launched Appretan® NTR6304, a water-based polymeric binder based on renewable natural ingredients. The new product offers a soft hand feel option and displays an even higher content based on natural, renewable raw materials. It is at the core of the Archroma compostable binder NATURE BOUND system for food filtration materials.
“We are also about to launch a brand new innovation in the area of barrier coating for food packaging under our Cartaseal® trade name. Paper makers who are out there looking for novel solutions should keep an eye on our social media posts”, says Jyotsana Shrivastava.
The new barrier will complement the established Archroma portfolio of coating solutions such as Cartacoat® RM rheology modifiers with FDA- and BfR-compliancy for improved runnability, Cartacoat® B range of binders, Cartabond® crosslinkers and Cartacol® surface sizing agents for improved printability of multipurpose papers. Jyotsana Shrivastava concludes, “We are looking forward to soon being able to meet paper makers and partners because Archroma will be at the Paperex exhibition in May 2022. We cannot wait to help the industry create papers and packaging with performance and positive impact – because it’s our nature.”