Special Feature - Page 22 of 27 - Papermart

Category : Special Feature

The Special Feature is collated with our in-house stories based upon the factory visits and interaction with the industry experts and pioneers.

Special Feature

Make in India Vs Make Paper in India, a Balancing Act?

With incessant and nagging challenges of raw material availability, adherence to environmental norms, and competing with swiftly increasing cheaper imports, the Indian pulp and paper industry has the arduous target of creating 10,00,000 tonnes of integrated capacities in pulp, paper, and paperboard to meet the consumption demands, of course a......
Special Feature

Naini Group: Technology Rebuild, a Complete & Continuous Action

Naini Group is a lean company, which envisions efficient manufacturing, better product quality, and healthy environment move together in sync. Paper Mart recently visited Naini Group’s writing-printing paper manufacturing plants to eyewitness major technological initiatives in production and environment domains, only to find some very encouraging results. Exemplified aptly by......
Special Feature


Water is a precious commodity and nature’s greatest gift to the living kingdom; every industry has the onus to preserve it. The paper industry’s recent impetus on water conservation and reducing pollution load in effluents is commendable from every aspect, resulting in astounding outcomes. The pulp and paper industry depends......
Special Feature

Water Usage in Recycled Paper Mills in India and the World

By Subhash Deodhar Water is absolutely essential for papermaking. Not only is it needed to move all papermaking raw materials within the paper mill, but it is also critical for the paper forming process itself. During drying of paper, water brings the fibers close enough to form bonds between the......
Special Feature

Better Forests Mean Better Business

Philip Tapsall The 21st of March marks International Day of Forests. For businesses, the day comes as a friendly reminder of the importance of forests and how paper companies can play a crucial role in contributing to the conservation of the world’s rapidly depleting forests. Global demand for paper is......
Special Feature

Import of Wood Chips to Offset the Extra Need Generated by Expansion

The West Coast Paper Mill has successfully completed over three years of importing chips with around forty shipments till date by setting up a sound ecosystem of infrastructure and manpower, dedicated only to import, handling and transportation of chips. Paper Mart recently visited WCPM and its chip handling facility at......
Special Feature

GST: An Antidote for All Taxation Ailments?

Would the amalgamation of various indirect taxes in one common tax really create a common market and relieve the tax payers from cascading effect of multiple taxes at multiple points without altering the ease of doing business and burdening the consumers’ pocket? Here is what the paper industry feels about......
Special Feature

Top Paper Companies in INDIA – 2015

Paper industry today is reeling under unimpressive growth both globally and domestically. While some of the factors behind the contracting growth globally may also be valid for India, the Indian paper industry has different set of growth impeding causes. The global pulp and paper industry has shrunk over the past......
Special Feature

FINISHING CONVERTING & HANDLING : For Paper, Flawless and Safer

Paper has many faces. Intricate processes of finishing and converting render the paper those many faces; handling ensures the faces reach the user intact. The ultimate usability of paper depends on a number of factors. The rolls of paper produced by the paper machine must still undergo a number of......
Special Feature

Packaging On the Move

Global packaging is getting driven by many visible, invisible factors and it’s moving for sure. Paper and board packaging is set to gulp the largest chunk; Indian pulp and paper industry may read many prolific omens in this. The packaging industry, as per almost all reports and market surveys, is......