Akshay Jain - Papermart

Tag : Akshay Jain

HEADLINE Special Feature

Single-Use Plastic Ban Opens the Door of Opportunities for Paper Industry

According to the industry experts, there are various applications where the paper industry can chip in such as paper bags, straws, and cutlery. Even the investors have recognised the immense opportunity as there has been an upward trend in the shares of leading paper companies. In line with the clarion......
Special Feature

Silverton: Installed Fiber Recovery Cells to Clarify Wastewater

Mr. Akshay Jain, Director, Silverton Pulp and Paper Pvt. Ltd., outlines the water treatment infrastructure of the company, and the new developments with regard to water consumption. Our water treatment process and wastewater treatment strategies… We have installed a rainwater harvesting system for conserving rainwater. Additionally, we draw minimum groundwater......
Special Feature

“Every crisis brings new challenges which end up in generating new efficiency standards”

This article is a part of Silver Linings to the Corona Cloud feature Operations and Workforce Management Before Corona Operations were quite smooth. We were striving for growth at a robust pace whereas the workforce was also in high spirit to give the best of their efficiencies. We were hopeful......