Karnataka Paper Merchants’ and Stationers’ Association (KPMSA), Bangalore will host the 50th AGM of the Federation of Paper Traders Association (FPTA). The FPTA AGM is an eagerly awaited event in the busy schedule of paper dealers across India. The event enables dealers from all over the country to interact, discuss present and future trends in paper trade and socialize. This event helps in strengthening existing bonds and acts as a catalyst in creating new relations and getting insight into paper trade and industry. The 3 day conference will be attended by over 750 delegates from all across the country. Major manufacturers are also expected to participate while Guest of honors will be from West Coast Paper Mills, Andhra Pradesh Paper Mills, BILT, ITC and Mysore Paper Mills.
KPMSA has decided to conduct this AGM/Conference under the theme of “Paper – Going Green”.

Giving the reason why this theme was chosen Mr. Tej Raj Jain, President Nominee, FPTA said “There is lot of misconception amongst people that using paper is not eco friendly as it is made by cutting trees. We want to highlight the issue that paper is not made by cutting forest. It is made by cutting plantation which is grown by manufacturers on unusable land. Paper is a biodegradable, renewable, sustainable product from trees. Growing and harvesting trees provides jobs for millions of people. Working forest supports the environment, providing clean air & water, wildlife habitat and carbon storage.”
Besides the green concept the epitome of the event will be to discuss the challenges and opportunities arising out of the lot of changes expected in next 10 years in the paper trade.