ITC Ltd. - Paperboards & Speciality Papers Division - Papermart

Tag : ITC Ltd. – Paperboards & Speciality Papers Division

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ITC Introduces TribeKraft – Kraft Paper from 100 Percent Unbleached Virgin Fiber

TribeKraft, ITC’s new offering, is specially designed for replacing plastic pouches used in e-commerce deliveries. It can be easily recycled, without any need for additional treatment, making it an eco-friendly alternative. November 2, 2022 Over the years, ITC Ltd. – Paperboards & Specialty Papers Division has developed several new products......
HEADLINE Special Feature

Single-Use Plastic Ban Opens the Door of Opportunities for Paper Industry

According to the industry experts, there are various applications where the paper industry can chip in such as paper bags, straws, and cutlery. Even the investors have recognised the immense opportunity as there has been an upward trend in the shares of leading paper companies. In line with the clarion......
HEADLINE Special Feature

2022: Trends Transforming the Paper Industry

It’s that time of year when everyone, including business leaders in every industry, sets goals and resolutions for the months ahead. Be it new product launches or expansion projects, the companies take note of the things that worked and things that didn’t from the previous year to make subsequent plans......
HEADLINE Special Feature

ITC-PSPD: Expanded One of the Paperboard Machines by 50000 MT in 2021-22

2021: The year that was It has been a mixed year. While the demand for virgin paperboards and specialty papers was robust, the demand for writing and printing paper was muted given the uncertainty around offline classes at schools. The global shipping crisis created significant supply chain disturbances causing unusual......