Naini Papers Limited - Papermart

Tag : Naini Papers Limited


IPMA Raises Concerns Over Rising Imports of Paper

For the first time ever, the imports crossed the INR 10,000-crore mark within nine months, reaching INR 11,196 crore during the April-December 2024-25 period. Imports from China in volume terms registered an increase of 36 percent, while imports from ASEAN countries rose by 23 percent, said IPMA President Pawan Agarwal.......
News updates

Naini Papers Orders Speciality Paper Machine from Valmet

The association between Naini Papers and Valmet has been quite longstanding and the new order further strengthens their partnership. January 11, 2023 Mr. Pawan Agarwal, Managing Director, Naini Papers Limited has announced on LinkedIn the signing of an agreement with Valmet for the supply of a Speciality Paper Machine. The......
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Naini Papers Orders a New Headbox from Valmet

The delivery is scheduled to take place in December 2022, and the start-up in the first quarter of 2023. February 17, 2022 Valmet will supply a new headbox to Naini Paper Limited’s Kashipur mill in India. The investment is targeted to strengthen Naini Paper’s capability in delivering a high-quality paper......
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Naini Papers Limited and ANDRITZ Starts New HERB Recovery Boiler in Kashipur

This is the second of six ANDRITZ HERB recovery boilers currently being installed in India, thus showing the strong market share ANDRITZ holds in the Indian pulp and paper industry. November 1, 2021 ANDRITZ has successfully started up a new 550 t/d HERB chemical recovery boiler (upgradable to 700 t/d)......
News updates

Union Budget 2021: Pulp and Paper Industry Views

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her third Budget — Union Budget 2021. Key industry leaders share their view and feedback. Here is a compilation. Mr. P.S. Patwari, Executive Director & CEO, Emami Paper Mills Ltd. “The Union Budget 2021 clearly signals a move to return India to a higher growth......

Naini Papers Announces the Launch of Absorbent Kraft Paper

The company plans to explore both domestic and global market with its new product. August 28, 2020 Naini Papers has announced the launch of its Absorbent Kraft Paper. The company intends to target both the Indian and global laminate industry. The recently launched Absorbent Kraft Paper from Naini Papers possess......
Special Feature

Naini Group: Technology Rebuild, a Complete & Continuous Action

Naini Group is a lean company, which envisions efficient manufacturing, better product quality, and healthy environment move together in sync. Paper Mart recently visited Naini Group’s writing-printing paper manufacturing plants to eyewitness major technological initiatives in production and environment domains, only to find some very encouraging results. Exemplified aptly by......

The Ways to Sustainable, Green & World Class Paper Industry

PaperTech 2016 again provided an impetus to a green movement that the Indian pulp and paper sector earnestly wishes to pursue in order to become economically viable and environmentally sustainable. CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre in partnership with Indian Paper Manu-facturers Association (IPMA) organized the 10th edition of PaperTech 2016......