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Tag : raw material

Tech Articles

A New Way to Clean Dryer Fabrics – The ECOfficiency™ Concept

Simon Taurer* Paper industry is no exception and is under continuous pressure of increment in costs of raw material and energy. Evolution of efficient production procedures, environmental friendly manufacturing methods, keeps our industry growing. Mills are forced to use recycled fibres, add more fillers that are cheaper replacement of fibre......

Paperex 2013 – The Curtain Rises

Day 2 Newsletter, 25th October 2013 The first day of the eleventh Paperex exhibition – Paperex 2013 – saw many pulp and paper and companies and allied companies not only from India but also from across the world showcasing their products. Representatives of these companies also got a golden opportunity......

“Efforts are being made by the industry”

Day 2 Newsletter, 25th October 2013 Commenting on agro-farm forestry Dr. H. D. Kulkarni, Vice President (Plantation), ITC Ltd – PSPD, said, “Efforts are being made by the industry on this front. Shortage of raw material in recent times and continued high demand for wood has taken the price table......

A Positive Prognosis about Indian Paper Industry's Future

Day 1 Newsletter, 24th October 2013 Mr. Yogesh Agarwal gives an optimistic forecast about paper industry in India During a technical session – an important part of the 52nd annual conference of Federation of Paper Traders Association held during 21-23 September 2013 – Mr. Yogesh Agarwal, Managing Director and Chief......

DaiEi Papers India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

DaiEi Papers, which is an established global group headquartered in Japan, has a network of offices in 18 countries. From 1924, the company has been transcending borders, both qualitative and geographical. They have been implementing global time-tested practices to achieve unprecedented levels of quality and service. DaiEi is the name......
Special Feature

Indian Paper Industry: Sustainability & Growth

Sustainability is based on a simple principle; everything that we need for our survival and wellbeing depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements......
Special Feature

Forecasting is always dicey, but everybody has to do it…..

Forecasting is always dicey, but everybody has to do it, to know where the screw needs to be drilled, in order to grab the opportunities and face the challenges. People will have to think about strategy differently because the old style of industry analysis will not help. So, to make......

“Neither gloom nor bloom. Outlook is inspiring long-term but skeptical short-term”

Expertise comes from understanding and understanding comes from detailing and this is how Mr Basantt Khaitan, MD, Wires & Fabriks (S.A) Ltd., Jaipur has attained his proficiency in the paper industry. His penchant for the industry is well known among his peers and colleagues. To share his understanding and to......
Tech Articles

Cotton linters: a valuable raw material for paper industry

BIVIS process: a continuous pulping process from cotton linters for high quality writing & printing papers and special grades. Cotton fibres and cotton-based papers have a long story, which is still continuing today. Papers from cotton fibers For a long, paper was formerly made from non-wood fibres such as flax......

CEO Panel Discussion

Paper Mart organized a one day symposium on 24th January 2011 at Moradabad for the Uttar Pradesh & Uttaranchal based paper industry, where most of the industry people were present from the region. The key highlight of the symposium was CEO Panel Discussion wherein Mr. Jitendra Kumar, Chairman, Sidharth Papers Ltd; Mr. Pawan Agarwal, JMD, Naini Tissues Ltd and Mr....