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Category : Interviews

Read the exclusive interviews conducted with the key industry players of the pulp and paper industry.


Ecosystem of Paper Industry Turning Healthier

I have experienced positive developments in ecosystem of the Industry. There is more dialogue, effort to understand each other’s issues and intentions of resolution, says Mr. Pradeep Dhobale who spearheaded ITC – PSPD over a long period with tremendously amazing outcomes. Mr. Pradeep Vasant Dhobale’s name is sure to be......

IBS – PPG: Worldwide Partner for Paper Machine Optimization

With our iProducts (iFibre, iTable, iPress and iSafety), we have created very innovative system solutions to enable our customers to achieve maximum of quality with minimum of energy and chemical additives, says Marc Kaddoura. IBS – Paper Performance Group, founded in 1967 in Teufenbach, Austria, is a worldwide supplier to......

Gulshan Polyols: Satellite PCC plants/ On-site PCC plants

The company has set up India’s first on-site PCC Plant in a recycled pulp based paper mill; as of now, the company has successfully set up six satellite plants which include the two on-site plant of PCC and WGCC set up in Bangladesh, says Mrs. Arushi Jain. Gulshan Polyols Limited,......

ITC-PSPD: WrapWell, 100 Percent Food Grade OBA-free Paper from Virgin Fibres

The recent offering from ITC-PSPD is another feather added in specialty paper cap, befitting a wide variety of applications in the food industry. ITC’s Paperboards and Specialty Papers business caters to a wide spectrum of packaging, graphic, communication, writing, printing and specialty paper requirements through its four world-class manufacturing units.......

Paper Industry, by nat ure, is Relatively Stable and Community Oriented

Acquisition of overseas plantations, setting a pulp mill outside, continued experiments in agro-social-farm forestry, and even selling imported coated paper under its brand, among other things, are on the itinerary of JK’s journey ahead, feels Mr. V. Kumaraswamy. Hinting towards a xeroxed news article with a curious smile, he says,......

Trident Paper: Profitably Eco-Sustainable

One of the largest producers globally of agro-based W&P paper, Trident has made its eco-sustainable product also economically sustainable. Trident Paper is one of the distinguished manufacturers and suppliers of high quality paper for multi-color high speed printing and publishing and high quality branded copier paper. With a clearly defined......

APRIL Finds Free Trade as Catalytic to Indian Paper Industry Growth

APRIL Group is one of the largest, most technologically advanced and efficient makers of pulp and paper products in the world. The company feeds the pulp to Indian paper industry and sees India as one of its most preferred market destinations. Paper Mart interviewed Mr. Sunil Sood, APRIL on the......

Seascope Impex Pvt. Ltd.: Dependable Feed to Paper Machines

Seascope multifold growth in three decades is consistent with its vision to emerge as a reliable source of waste paper and wood pulp requirements Seascope Impex Pvt. Ltd., a leading indenting house, began operations more than two decades ago for waste paper and wood pulp, the vital raw material for......

Maxim: Long Road Ahead

With a new tolling and blending facility at MIDC, Ambernath set up recently, Maxim is looking forward to expand its team vigorously and is toying with an idea of a large chemical manufacturing plant in near future. Maxim Specialty Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., founded in January 2010, offers a comprehensive range......

Aqwise: Innovative Water & Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Aqwise’s diverse portfolio range from containerized fully comprehensive water and wastewater treatment units up to large- scale high-end applications meeting most stringent regulatory requirements Aqwise, headquartered in Israel, is a leading developer of innovative water and wastewater treatment solutions for the industrial and municipal markets around the globe. Its diverse......